laravel SMSA shipping integration

1.0.3 2017-12-02 08:37 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 06:14:42 UTC


    • This package is not a official package from SMSA just my develop *
  • it's a laravel package for SMSA Integration

1- Installation

  1. Require the package using composer:

    composer require ahyadessam/smsa
  2. Add the service provider to the providers in config/app.php:

  3. Add alias provider to the aliases in config/app.php:

    'Smsa' => Smsa\SmsaFacade::class,
  4. Publish the public assets:

    php artisan vendor:publish
  5. Configure your SMSA account data in config/smsa.php:

2- Content Methods

  • Shipping : Create shipping and git AWB number.
  • PrintAWB : Create Shipping policy PDF.
  • Tracking : Get shipping tracking.
  • Cancel : Cancel shipping.

Parameters is needed

You can get more information from SMSA documentations

Example about using

use Smsa;

class HomeController extends Controller
  public function smsa_shipping(){
    $parameters = [
      'refNo'         => '22222',
      'idNo'          => 'id',
      'cName'         => 'name',
      'cntry'         => 'KSA',
      'cCity'         => 'Riyadh',
      'cMobile'       => '033333333',
      'cAddr1'        => 'test',
      'cAddr2'        => '',
      'PCs'           => '1',
      'cEmail'        => '',
      'weight'        => '1',
      'cZip'          => '',
      'cPOBox'        => '',
      'cTel1'         => '',
      'cTel2'         => '',
      'carrValue'     => '',
      'carrCurr'      => '',
      'codAmt'        => '',
      'custVal'       => '',
      'custCurr'      => '',
      'insrAmt'       => '',
      'insrCurr'      => '',
      'itemDesc'      => '',
      'prefDelvDate'  => '',
      'gpsPoints'     => ''

    $test = Smsa::Shipping($parameters);


  public function print_label(){
    $get_pdf = Smsa::PrintAWB('290012998106');

  public function tracking(){
    $tracking = Smsa::Tracking('290012998106');

  public function cancel_shipping(){
    $cancel = smsa::Cancel('290012998106', 'test');

3- Return structure

All methods will return array contain status (true|false) and value (your need value)

4- Contact

for any question you can contact with me on twitter @AhyadEssam, thanks