
LaraMultiAuth is a versatile Laravel package designed to simplify the implementation of multiple authentication systems within a single Laravel application.

v1.1.4 2024-08-20 01:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 02:17:58 UTC


LaraMultiAuth Logo

1. Introduction

LaraMultiAuth is a versatile Laravel package designed to simplify the implementation of multiple authentication systems within a single Laravel application. It provides a streamlined solution for managing different types of user authentication, enabling you to support various user roles and authentication methods with ease. It supports both API and web authentication, including multi-guard setups and OTP verification for email and phone.

2. Installation

To install the LaraMultiAuth package, follow these steps:

  1. Add the Package to Your Project

    composer require ahmedebead/laramultiauth


After installing the package, run the following command to complete the setup:

php artisan multiauth:setup
php artisan passport:install # If needed 
  1. Register the Service Provider

    Add the following line to the providers array in config/app.php:

  2. Publish the Configuration File

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AhmedEbead\LaraMultiAuth\LaraMultiAuthServiceProvider"

3. Configuration

Update the config/multiauth.php file to configure models and SMS helper functions:


return [
    'guards' => [
        'web' => [
            'model' => App\Models\User::class,
            'authFields' => [
                'username' => ['email','name'], // any number of fields name to check
                'password' => 'password'
        // Add more guards and their respective models here

    'sms_helper_function' => env('SMS_HELPER_FUNCTION', 'sendSmsHelperFunction'),


4. Usage

Use the package functions via the LaraMultiAuth facade:

Login with Email/phone or any another fields -- check config fields

// api is the guard you can change it to web or any another

$token = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->login([
    'username' => 'user@example.com',
    'password' => 'password123',

Register a New User

// api is the guard you can change it to web or any another

$user = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->register([
    'email' => 'newuser@example.com',
    'password' => 'password123',
    //.....other fields

Generate and Verify OTP

//By phone or email
// api is the guard you can change it to web or any another
$identifier = "010548569847"; // can be email $identifier = "test@mail.com";
$otp = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->generateOtp($identifier);

$isVerified = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->verifyOtp($identifier, $otp);

Generate and Send OTP

here if you pass phone number sms logic will run if you pass email will sent to given email

//By phone or email
// api is the guard you can change it to web or any another LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')
$otp = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->generateAndSendOtp('1234567890');

$otp = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->generateAndSendOtp('test@mail.com');

will return

        "status": true,
        "message": "OTP is valid"


    "status": false,
    "message": "OTP is not valid"

Get Current logged in user data

// api is the guard you can change it to web or any another

$token = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->loggedInUser();


// api is the guard you can change it to web or any another

$token = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->logout();

Forget Password

// api is the guard you can change it to web or any another
//By phone or email
$token = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->forgetPassword($email);
$token = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->forgetPassword($phone);

Reset Password

//By phone or email
// api is the guard you can change it to web or any another
$data = [
    'identifier'=>'test@test.com', // can be phone number
$token = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->resetPassword($data);

Or you can add any fields name, but you must create otp by this field data

// api is the guard you can change it to web or any another

$otp = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->generateOtp('Ahmed Ebead');

$data = [
    'identifier'=>'ahmed ebead',
$token = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->resetPassword($data);

if you don't need to verify otp on reset password just pass false as second argument

// api is the guard you can change it to web or any another
$data = [
$token = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->resetPassword($data,false);

5. Models Implementation


The AhmedEbead\LaraMultiAuth\Models\BaseAuthModel provides common authentication functionalities.

Concrete Models

Extend BaseAuthModel for each guard.

Web User Model


namespace App\Models;

use AhmedEbead\LaraMultiAuth\Models\BaseAuthModel;

class WebUser extends BaseAuthModel
    protected $guard = 'web';

API User Model


namespace App\Models;

use AhmedEbead\LaraMultiAuth\Models\BaseAuthModel;

class ApiUser extends BaseAuthModel
    protected $guard = 'api';

Admin User Model


namespace App\Models;

use AhmedEbead\LaraMultiAuth\Models\BaseAuthModel;

class AdminUser extends BaseAuthModel
    protected $guard = 'admin';

6. Helper Functions

Example SMS Helper Function

Add this helper function to your project as a helper function to handle SMS sending:

if (!function_exists('sendSmsHelperFunction')) {
    function sendSmsHelperFunction($phone, $otp)
        // Implement the SMS sending logic
        // Example: using an external SMS service
        // SmsService::send($phone, "Your OTP is: {$otp}");

7. Create Helper File

A. Create a New Helper File

The first step to creating a helper in Laravel 10 is to create a new file in the app/Helpers directory. If this directory doesn't exist, create it.

B. Add the Helper Function

Once you’ve created the new helper file, you can add your helper function. A helper function is just a regular PHP function that you can call from anywhere in your Laravel application.

  • For example
if (!function_exists('sendSmsHelperFunction')) {
    function sendSmsHelperFunction($phone, $otp)
        // Implement the SMS sending logic
        // Example: using an external SMS service
        // SmsService::send($phone, "Your OTP is: {$otp}");

C. Load the Helper File

After you’ve defined your helper function, you need to load the helper file so that Laravel knows about it. You can do this by adding an autoload entry to the composer.json file in your Laravel application. Open the composer.json file and add the following entry to the autoload section:

    "files": [

D. Use the Helper Function

Now that you’ve defined your helper function and loaded the helper file, you can use the function anywhere in your Laravel application. For example, if you want to format a date string in your controller, you could do the following:

class OrderController extends Controller
    public function index()

8. API and Web Authentication

The package supports both API (using Laravel Passport) and web authentication. The guard type determines the authentication method:

  • Web Authentication: Uses standard session-based login.
  • API Authentication: Uses Laravel Passport for token-based login.

The authentication methods are dynamically handled based on the guard specified in the configuration.

9. License

The LaraMultiAuth package is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.