
A SMS Package for mobilysms

1.0.1 2017-05-09 09:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:16:20 UTC


i'ts easy step .

1 - install with composer

composer require ahmed-aliraqi/mobilysms

2 - add provider class to app.php in config folder .


3 - add aliases class

'Mobily'    => Mobilysms\Mobily::class,

4 - then call this command from composer.

php artisan vendor:publish

5 - just call method

Mobily::send(20123456789,'Your Message Here ');

you can get this file from this path on your project config/mobilysms.php

and you can edit information account with mobily.ws sender name and mobile or user account and password you can edit more information if you want ! like timesend or datasend bla bla bla i'ts easy :)

return [
	'sender'  =>'Ahmed', // Sender Name With Mobily.ws
	'mobile'  =>'123456789', // Mobile User Account With Mobily.ws
	'password'=>'password here', // Password Account With Mobile.ws
	'timeSend'=>0, // If You Don't know what this please don't change anything
	'dateSend'=>0, // If You Don't know what this please don't change anything
	'deleteKey'=>152485, // If You Don't know what this please don't change anything
	'resultType'=>1, // If You Don't know what this please don't change anything
	'viewResult'=>1, // If You Don't know what this please don't change anything
	'MsgID'=>rand(0000,9999), // If You Don't know what this please don't change anything

and you can use Mobily Class On Your Controller I'ts Easy


You Can Edit File Language With defualt Locale folder and You Can Put your information to file mobilysms.php in config folder

If I got a problem you will know how to solve it

if you want check message sent i'ts easy the package was returned result true not a string

$send = Mobily::send(123456789,'message');
if($send == true)
echo 'message sent';
echo $send;