
This package is a useful tool to generate simple crud for laravel-modules/scaffolding

v4.1.0 2023-03-03 21:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-11-30 02:34:31 UTC



This package is a useful tool to generate simple crud for laravel-modules/scaffolding

the files that will be generated is:

  • Lang Files (ar & en)
  • Breadcrumb File
  • View Files
  • Api Resource Files
  • Migration Files
  • Factory File
  • Policy Files
  • Controller Files
  • Model Files
  • Request Files
  • Filter Files
  • Test Files


composer require ahmed-aliraqi/crud-generator --dev


You should add config file using the following command to configure the supported resources.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AhmedAliraqi\CrudGenerator\CrudServiceProvider"

Then add the following comment line in the routes/dashboard.php and routes/api.php files:

/*  The routes of generated crud will set here: Don't remove this line  */

And the follwing comment line in the resources/views/layouts/sidebar.blade.php file:

{{-- The sidebar of generated crud will set here: Don't remove this line --}}


For example if you want to generate a new CRUD named category. make sure it's arabic words was defined in arabicWords of config file and then use the following artisan command:

php artisan make:crud category

Use translatable option if the CRUD is translatable:

php artisan make:crud category --translatable

Use has-media option if the CRUD has media:

php artisan make:crud category --has-media

Also you can use both options together to generate translatable and has media CRUD.

php artisan make:crud category --translatable --has-media

Account Type Cloner

php artisan account:clone customer merchant

This command will clone customer account type to another type named merchant,

Some files should be modified manually like:

  • add constant for the newly generated type in app/Models/User.php
 * The code of merchant type.
 * @var string
const MERCHANT_TYPE = 'merchant';

Then register the type in childTypes array:

 * @var array
protected $childTypes = [
    // other types ...
    self::MERCHANT_TYPE => Merchant::class,
  • Add check for type helper in app/Models/Helpers/UserHelper.php:
 * Determine whether the user type is merchant.
 * @return bool
public function isMerchant()
    return $this->type == User::MERCHANT_TYPE;
  • Add seeders in database/seeders/UserSeeder.php:
  • Add translation lang file name to config/lang-generator.php
    'lang' => [
        // ...
        'merchants' => base_path('lang/{lang}/merchants.php'),
        /*  The lang of generated crud will set here: Don't remove this line  */
  • Update arabic translations in lang file for generated type lang/ar/merchants.php
  • Add type translated key into lang/{lang}/users.php:
'types' => [
    // Other types ...
    'merchant' => 'Merchant',
  • Clone view files in dashboard from customer directory to merchant and replace all customer word to merchant
    • Customer => Merchant
    • customers => merchants
    • customer => merchant
  • Add Sidebar link in resources/views/dashboard/accounts/sidebar.blade.php:
    'name' => trans('merchants.plural'),
    'url' => route('dashboard.merchants.index'),
    'can' => ['ability' => 'viewAny', 'model' => \App\Models\Merchant::class],
    'active' => request()->routeIs('*merchants*'),
  • Add the routes for the newly generated type in routes/dashboard.php file:
// Merchants Routes.
Route::get('trashed/merchants', 'MerchantController@trashed')->name('merchants.trashed');
Route::get('trashed/merchants/{trashed_merchant}', 'MerchantController@showTrashed')->name('merchants.trashed.show');
Route::post('merchants/{trashed_merchant}/restore', 'MerchantController@restore')->name('merchants.restore');
Route::delete('merchants/{trashed_merchant}/forceDelete', 'MerchantController@forceDelete')->name('merchants.forceDelete');
Route::resource('merchants', 'MerchantController');
  • Add route binding in storage/soft_deletes_route_binding.json:
 "trashed_merchant": "App\\Models\\Merchant"
  • Add the permision in storage/permissions.json:
  • Add actingAsMerchant helper into tests/TestCase.php
   * Set the currently logged in merchant for the application.
   * @param null $driver
   * @return \App\Models\Merchant
  public function actingAsMerchant($driver = null)
      $merchant = Merchant::factory()->create();

      $this->be($merchant, $driver);

      return $merchant;