
Make dealing with lists easier

0.3 2022-04-25 20:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-26 12:43:59 UTC


filter-lists is a Laravel package for dealing with lists. Especially, the results that have the type Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection

Include a paginated response and include these basic filters: page, limit, sort by, desc.

// page (integer): get your list with a specific page.
// limit (integer): get your list with a limited number of returned records.
// sortBy (string): sort the results according to a column.
// desc (bool): determine the type of your sort. 

Include filters according to your model's columns.

// e.g: name, email, is_admin, etc ...

Include filters according to "dateRange" attribute

// get your list that is created between two dates.
  "from": "string",
  "to": "string"

Include filters according to "fixRange" attribute

Available values: today, monthly, yearly
// get your list that is created today.
// get your list that is created in the current month.
// get your list that is created in the current year.


laravel/framework: ">=8",


Require this package, with Composer, in the root directory of your project.

composer require ahmadaldali/filter-lists


# use the result's Trait && Request Facade
use AhmadAldali\FilterLists\Traits\ListsResult;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

#In your controller, or where you want to use the filtering 
$collection = User::all(); #or any model
# then, call getTheResult function
$results = $this->getTheResult($collection , $request);


I created a route on my test application, that's called /list.

In that route, I executed an action in a controller that contains the previous Usage.

Get all results

alt text

Apply limit

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Apply limit with page

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Apply condition

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Apply condition with wrong value

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Apply condition with wrong column name

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Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Welcome to any suggestion.
