
Create Excel sheet directly from database table rows

1.12 2021-03-27 11:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-06 11:11:47 UTC


Create Excel sheet directly from database table's rows

Getting Started

PHPDBTabletoExcel is a very simple and easy to use PHP package for generating Excel file from database table SQL query.

It can connect to a database using PDO and executes a given SQL database table query.

The class executes the query and then outputs the results to a file in HTML table based format that is served for download and can be read and imported correctly by Microsoft Excel.


No requirements for now!


Install using composer

composer require agoussec/phpdbtabletoexcel

Create Object of Class and start using it directly by adding in your project files if autoload is enabled, if not then include class file in your project.

use agoussec\class\Export;
$export = new Export();

Usage Example

Way 1 for initializing database connection

You can pass database credentials while creating object of class.

$exportObject = new Export('localhost', 'dbuser', 'password', 'database');

Way 2 for initializing database connection

Create PDO connection and pass PDO object to setConnection() method

$Conn = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=dbname', 'dbuser', "dbpassword");

Set SQL Query

$sql = "SELECT 
           table2.column1 as `Column 1`, 
           table3.column2 as `Column 2`, 
           table1.column3 as `Column 3`, 
        FROM `table1`
           left JOIN table2 ON = table1.table2id
           left JOIN table3 ON = table1.table3id 
        WHERE table1.status = 1";


Set table rows (optional)


Exported File Name (optional)


Header row in exported excel sheet (optional)


Time Stamp (optional)


And at last get the Excel file -



  • Shamsh Pravez - Initial work - agoussec


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENCE file for details