
Extra package for organization and decompose request validation in Laravel

v1.0.0 2021-04-29 08:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-29 07:13:59 UTC


Package helps you decompose validation in you project Laravel

What is it?

Package give you a chance split validation fields. Each filed and dataset rules is  independent  class. It gives freedom in action and centralization validation in one place. For more understanding reading my article in medium .


composer require agoalofalife/decompose-validator

Create Validator Value

Let's have a look email validation example. Should implementation ValidatorValue. Describe rules and extra messages. I prefer $attribute set in contstruct with value by default, but you can return just string in method.

use agoalofalife\DecomposeValidator\ValidatorValue;

class ConsumerEmail implements ValidatorValue
     * @var string
    private $attribute;
     * @var int
    private $exceptConsumerId;
    public function __construct(
        int $consumerId,
        string $attribute = 'email'
    ) {
        $this->exceptConsumerId = $consumerId;
        $this->attribute = $attribute;

    public function getAttribute(): string
        return $this->attribute;

    public function getRules(): array
        return [

    public function getMessages(): array
        return [
            "{$this->attribute}.email"         => 'Please field should be email',
            "{$this->attribute}.required"      => 'Please email is required field',
            "{$this->attribute}.unique"        => 'Email has registered already',
            "{$this->attribute}.email_checker" => 'Email does not exist',

Use in Form Request

Pay attention parent name class. You should extend of it.

use agoalofalife\DecomposeValidator\FormRequestDecompose;

class UpdateUserProfile extends FormRequestDecompose
     * Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
     * @return array
    public function rules(): array
        return [
            new ConsumerEmail(),
            'name'       => ['required', 'alpha'],
            'age'        => ['integer', 'max:120'],

Use in Simple Validation(controller or facade)

Also we have a chance use simple validation.

 * Store a new blog post.
 * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function store(Request $request)
    $validatorValue = new ConsumerEmail(request->auth()->id);
    $validated = $request->validate([
         $validatorObject->getAttribute() => $validatorObject->getRules()


Also I wrote the aritcle in medium