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1.14.4 2018-03-19 11:55 UTC


Agitation is an e-commerce framework, based on Symfony2, focussed on extendability through plugged-in APIs, UIs, payment modules and other components.


The main feature of this bundle is to provide pluggable frontend pages. Pages can be registered as “plugins”. For that, the AgitUiBundle introduces a meta notation for Twig templates, allowing self-describing pages.

Such a self describing page contains its position in the navigation tree and the order among same-level nodes, as well as security information about the required user capabilities to access the page.

Aside from that, the bundle currently ships Twitter bootstrap, jQuery and several web fonts. Yes, they should probably be included from dedicated bundles.

Canonical URLs

Agitation UI pages support canonical URLs. Users and search engines are automatically redirected to the correct URL.

For example, if you have a page /path/to/contactform, but the user enters /path/to/contactform/ or /path/////to///contactform, they will be redirected to the correct canonical URL.

Multi-language pages

If you have activated multiple locales through the AgitIntlBundle, there will be one URL per language for each page.

For example: If you have activated the locales en_US and de_DE, with en_US as your primary locale the page /path/to/contactform would also allow entering /path/to/contactform/de (i.e. with the language part of the locale attached to the URL) into the browser to access the German page.

As a bonus, this feature also supports canonical URLs. If a user would enter /path/to/contactform/en, they would be redirected to /path/to/contactform if your primary locale is en_US.