agencedoit / zohoconnector
Zoho Creator API connector for Laravel
Table of contents
- Laravel package - Zoho Connector
- Usage
Laravel Package to manage a connexion to Zoho Creator API
To use the service and interact with the Zoho API you need to get a client_id and a client_secret on the Zoho API console.
- Click on "Add Client" on top right
- Use "Server-based Applications"
- Fill the informations :
- Client Name : Your App Name
- Homepage URL : You App URL
- Authorized Redirect URIs : --APP_URL--/zoho/request-code-response <= IMPORTANT
You'll get the required client_id and client_secret
PHP has to have the zip extension installed. For Linux system, just type with the right php version :
sudo apt-get install php8.2-zip
To interact with Zoho Creator, all is based on report.
The Zoho API documentation is available here.
The version of the Zoho API is the v2.1 .
Comming soon.
Environnements variables
Identifier | Required | Description | Availables values | Commentary |
ZOHO_ACCOUNT_DOMAIN | No | Zoho domain name where your Zoho account is registred | eu, com, jp, in, ... | Default value : eu |
ZOHO_CLIENT_ID | Yes | The client ID from https://api-console.zoho. | - | Default value : 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93 |
ZOHO_CLIENT_SECRET | Yes | Your client secret from https://api-console.zoho. | - | Default value : 9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf |
ZOHO_SCOPE | No | The scope for your client |,,ZohoCreator.bulk.CREATE ... see API doc | Default value : |
ZOHO_USER | Yes | Your Zoho user name | - | Default value : jason18 |
ZOHO_APP_NAME | Yes | Your Zoho App identifier | - | Default value : zylker-store |
ZOHO_TOKENS_TABLE | No | tokens table name | - | Default value : zoho_connector_tokens |
ZOHO_CREATOR_ENVIRONMENT | No | Environnement to reach during the ZohoAPI calls (see Zoho environnements) | - | Default value : production |
----------- | -- | -------- | ------ | ---- |
ZOHO_BULK_DOWNLOAD_PATH | No | Path where the ZIP from bulk are loaded | - | Default value : storage_path("zohoconnector") |
ZOHO_BULKS_TABLE | No | bulk process table name | - | Default value : zoho_connector_bulk_history |
ZOHO_BULK_QUEUE | No | Queue name for the bulk process | - | Default value : default |
- Be sure to have the APP_URL env var set.
- Get a client_id and a client_secret from ZOHO => Requirements.
- Fill the Environnements variables as described in Environnements variables.
- On DEV environnement, you can go on --APP_URL--/zoho/test to check if all your environnement is ready. Then click on "Request code page" link to activate the on DEV environnement).
- If the service is ready. You can now use the service.
You can reset the service with the /zoho/reset-tokens route or by clicking the reset button on the /zoho/test page.
On Production environnement
The /zoho/test page is not available.
Go on /zoho/request-code to activate the service (Once the parameters are set obviously).
The /zoho/reset-tokens is not available too. To reset tokens, truncate the ZOHO_TOKENS_TABLE.
Basic exemple
use ZohoCreatorApi;
public static function test() {
return ZohoCreatorApi::get("my_report");
Availables functions
CRUD functions
Get from Report
Return the found records as an array.
This function has a 1000 records limit. If there is more the cursor variable will be filled.
Check at ZohoCreatorApi::getAll() code function to see how handle the cursor and the loop.
Get All from Report
Return the found records as an array.
This function may be very long. Look at the function to see who use it.
Get by ID
Return the found record as an array.
field_config is set to "all".
Add a record in the form with the given attributes
Update a record with the given attributes
Upload a file in the given report+ id + field
Custom functions
Custom GET
Call a custom zoho creator API function with GET. If a public key is given, it will be added to the request. If there is no public key, the auth token will be used.
Custom POST
Call a custom zoho creator API function with POST. If a public key is given, it will be added to the request. If there is no public key, the auth token will be used. datas is the body in JSON format.
Bulk operations
Bulk operations to get informations with Zoho is a 3 steps process :
- Create bulk
- Read status
- Download result This functionality is available in this package or with a step by step process or fully automatised with the Laravel Jobs.
Automated gestion
The whole bulk process in on function. The result is a JSON file. This function require :
- the zip extension of PHP.
- A laravel queue processor
php artisan queue:work
Aditionnals options: --tries=3 => multiple try in case of failure --queue=secondary => to choose your queue. Don't forget to change the ZOHO_BULK_QUEUE env variable
Just use the function :
ZohoCreatorApi::getWithBulk(<report_name>, <call_back_url>, <criterias>="")
This launch a laravel JOB and send to the callback_url by the parameter json_location, the location of the downloaded,extracted,transformed report datas in JSON. The downloaded ZIP and the extracted CSV file are deleted during the process for storage optimization.
Create bulk
Create the bulk request.
Read Bulk infos
Return the bulk request infos as an array.
Download bulk
Download the bulk request result in the ZOHO_BULK_DOWNLOAD_PATH.
META functions
Get Forms Meta informations
Return the meta information of all the forms present in a Zoho Creator application. Require the scope ZohoCreator.meta.application.READ
Get Fields Meta informations
Return the meta information of all the fields of a form. Require the scope ZohoCreator.meta.form.READ
Get Reports Meta informations
Return the meta information of all the reports present in a Zoho Creator application. Require the scope ZohoCreator.meta.application.READ
Get Pages Meta informations
Return the meta information of all the pages present in a Zoho Creator application. Require the scope ZohoCreator.meta.application.READ
- Create Tests function
- Complete commentarys
- Add Delete function
- See for filter simplifier