
Carbon Fields extension, that adds a URL picker field type.

Installs: 11

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 17




This plugin is a color picker inspired of wordpress gutenberg native color picker and extended from native Carbon Field Radio Field.

This plugin can be used as Wordpress Plugin or as wordpress mu-plugin, including with bedrock.

To know advanced usage see : Official Radio Field Documentation

Basic usage

Field::make( 'radio_color', 'color', __( 'Choose a color' ) )
        ->set_options( [
          'red'   => "#ff0000",
          'green' => "#00ff00",
          'blue'  => "#0000ff"
        ] );

Install (with composer for Bedrock)

composer require agence-ho5/carbon-fields-radio-color