
Easy generate powerful passwords for your application.

v1.0.5 2020-06-20 14:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-20 23:12:13 UTC


Easy generate powerful passwords for your application


  • Secure passwords , with different compinations
  • Easy to use , 0 dependencies
  • You can use the generator , to generate any type of random tokens (letters , numbers and symbols)
  • Select the password length
  • You can also use the CLI version to generate your passwords not only for your applications


composer require agashe/passgen


After installation is done , include the class in your project by:

  • including vendor/autoload.php for Native PHP projects
  • or adding the class to your framework config , for example app/config/app.php for laravel ,

You can choose between use the static method generate directly , or define a new instance and call the create method in your app.


include 'vendor/autoload.php';
use PassGen;

// the static way
echo PassGen\PassGen::generate();

// the instance way
$pass = new PassGen\PassGen();

echo $pass->create();

We can use 2 parameters to control both the length and the type of the characters used in for the password

Parameter Data Type Constraints
passwordLength integer password's length between 1 to 50 digits.
passwordType string compination of 4 options (capital , small , numeric & symbols) sparated by "|" or you
can leave empty to use all of them!

and also you can use the CLI version to generate passwords for your accounts. In your command line:

$ php ./vendor/bin/passgen

and you can use "-l" to set the length and "-t" to set the type!


// generate random 3 integers
echo PassGen\PassGen::generate(3, "numeric");

// generate password of 25 letters 
echo PassGen\PassGen::generate(25, "capital|small");

// generate password of small letters and numbers with length 15
echo PassGen\PassGen::generate(15, "numeric|small");

// generate password of letters and symbols with length 50
$myPass = new PassGen\PassGen(50, "symbols|small|capital");

// then call it every where
echo $myPass->create();
// ...
echo $myPass->create();

and you can do the same through the CLI

$ php ./vendor/bin/passgen -l 15 -t "small|symbols|numeric"


(PassGen) released under the terms of the MIT license.