
Vatty, the EU Tax ID validator

1.0.1 2022-02-22 13:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-22 17:34:05 UTC



PHP 5.6+ EU VAT validation library

Vatty provides a simple API to validate EU Tax IDs both with simple local syntax check and by using the Vies (VAT Information Exchange System) VAT validation service.


Vatty requires PHP 5.6+ and Composer. Vies validation service additionally requires PHP SOAP extension.


Add agaluf/vatty as a require dependency in your composer.json file:

composer require agaluf/vatty


Simple validation

Simple validation checks if the passed-in VAT matches the expected format. It only validates that the syntax for the given country is correct.

use Vatty\Vatty;

$validator = new Vatty();
$result = $validator->validate('DE', 'DE123456789');

Simple Vies validation

To perform a simple Vies validation of the given VAT, you need to activate the Vies service:

use Vatty\Vatty;

$validator = new Vatty();
$result = $validator->validate('DE', 'DE123456789');

This will perform a VAT validation with Vies and determine if the VAT is assigned to an active subject.

Qualified Vies validation

Some countries' laws (such as for instance Austrian) demand that the companies must prove the validation of the VAT.

Vies will automatically return a unique request identifier string if the requester information has been provided. To get the request identifier, pass the requester information to the validator:

use Vatty\Vatty;

$validator = new Vatty();
$validator->setRequester('DE', 'DE987654321');
$result = $validator->validate('DE', 'DE123456789');


both Vies validations currently require the Soap extension to initiate a request against Vies validation service. If you do not have the Soap extension active, the validation will fall back to the syntax check.

Do you require Vies validation without the Soap extension? Open an issue and I'll see what I can do.