
PHP Logging library

1.0.1 2022-03-09 14:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 20:49:02 UTC



Here we use a default logger which writes messages into std output.


require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

$logger = Logger::get();

$e = new RuntimeException("Error");
$arr = array("key" => "val", "key1" => 928);

$obj = new stdClass();
$obj->attribute = "value";

$l->error("Error!", $e);
$l->debug("Dump an array", $arr);
$l->debug("Write some object", $obj);



The setting is array

$array = [
	"loggers" => [],
	"writers" => [],
	"parsers" => []


You can define several loggers.

"loggers" => [
	"test-logger" => [
		// enable\disable the logger.  Optional, default - true
		"enabled" => true,
		// list of writers. Required, default - ["default"]
		"writers" => ["default", "file-writer"],
		// format of log message. Required.
		"format" => "{date-time} {log-name} [{log-level}]: {log-message}\nContext: {log-context}\n\n"

The format attribute contains macroses like {XXXX}. They will be replaced by values.

{date-time} - currect date time {log-name} - name of current logger {log-level} - current log level {log-message} - log message {log-context} - context object {ip-address} - client IP address {env.} - presents access to $GLOBALS array. For example, {env._SERVER.LC_NAME} will return value of $_SERVER["LC_NAME"]


Writer is an entity which writes log messages.

"writers" => [
	"file" => [
        "level" => Level::ERROR,
        "class" => "Solo\\Logger\\Writers\\FileWriter",
        "ignoreErrors" => false,
        "writeOnlyCurrentLevel" => true,
        "options" => [
            "output" => "error-log.txt"

level - writer will handle messages with this level and bigger. Required. class - name of class. Required. ignoreErrors - if true, ignore errors. Optional, default - true. writeOnlyCurrentLevel - Write messages which correspond the current level only. Optional, default - false. options - array with attributes and values of writer instance.