
Affinidi ( OIDC Provider for Hybridauth.

v1.4.0 2024-03-13 12:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-13 14:48:04 UTC



A paradigm shift in the registration and sign-in process, Affinidi Login is a game-changing solution for developers. With our revolutionary passwordless authentication solution your user's first sign-in doubles as their registration, and all the necessary data for onboarding can be requested during this streamlined sign-in/signup process. End users are in full control, ensuring that they consent to the information shared in a transparent and user-friendly manner. This streamlined approach empowers developers to create efficient user experiences with data integrity, enhanced security and privacy, and ensures compatibility with industry standards.


This package extends HybridAuth to enable passwordless authentication with the Affinidi OIDC provider.

Learn more about Hybridauth here

Quick Links

  1. Installation & Usage
  2. Create Affinidi Login Configuration
  3. Run Sample Playground Project
  4. Affinidi Login Integration in Fresh Laravel Project

Installation & Basic Usage

To get started with Affinidi hybridauth, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Affinidi hybridauth package using Composer:
composer require affinidi/laravel-hybridauth-affinidi
  1. Create a configuration file hybridauth.php with below content under config folder:
return [
    'affinidi' => [
        'callback' => env('APP_URL') . '/login/affinidi/callback',
        'keys' => [
            'id' => env('PROVIDER_CLIENT_ID'),
            'secret' => env('PROVIDER_CLIENT_SECRET')
        'endpoints' => [
            'api_base_url' => env('PROVIDER_ISSUER'),
            'authorize_url' => env('PROVIDER_ISSUER') . '/oauth2/auth',
            'access_token_url' => env('PROVIDER_ISSUER') . '/oauth2/token',
  1. Create LoginRegisterController.php file under app\Http\Controllers, which has actions to perform normal login, logout, affinidi login and its callback, reference can be found here

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;

class LoginRegisterController extends Controller
    private static $adapter;

    public function __construct() {
        $config = \Config::get('hybridauth.affinidi');
        self::$adapter = new \Affinidi\HybridauthProvider\AffinidiProvider($config);

    public function login()
        return view('login');

    public function home()
        if (session("user")) {
            return view('dashboard');

        return redirect()->route('login')
                'email' => 'Please login to access the home.',

    public function logout(Request $request)

        return redirect()->route('login')
            ->withSuccess('You have logged out successfully!');

    public function affinidiLogin(Request $request)

    public function affinidiCallback(Request $request)
        try {


            $userProfile = self::$adapter->getUserProfile();

            session(['user' => $userProfile]);

            return redirect()->intended('home');
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            return redirect()->route('login')

  1. Open routes\web.php file and Add Web Routes which invokes the above login controller actions, reference can be found here

  2. Create file login.blade.php under resources\views for adding Affinidi Login button, reference can be found here

  3. Create dashboard dashboard.blade.php under resources\views for displaying the logged in user info, reference can be found here

  4. Open .env file and update value of APP_URL to http://localhost:8000


Create Affinidi Login Configuration

Create the Login Configuration using Affinidi Dev Portal as illustrated here. You can given name as "hybridauth App" and Redirect URIs as per your application specific e.g. "https:///login/affinidi/callback"

Important: Safeguard the Client ID and Client Secret and Issuer; you'll need them for setting up your environment variables. Remember, the Client Secret will be provided only once.

Note: By default Login Configuration will requests only Email VC, if you want to request email and profile VC, you can refer PEX query under (docs\loginConfig.json)[playground\example\docs\loginConfig.json] and execute the below affinidi CLI command to update PEX

affinidi login update-config --id <CONFIGURATION_ID> -f docs\loginConfig.json

Setup & Run application from playground folder

Open the directory playground/example in VS code or your favourite editor

  1. Install the dependencies by executing the below command in terminal

    composer install
  2. Create the .env file in the sample application by running the following command

    cp .env.example .env
  3. Create Affinidi Login Configuration as mentioned here

  4. Update below environment variables in .env based on the auth credentials received from the Login Configuration created earlier:


    Sample values looks like below

  5. Run the application

    php artisan serve
  6. Open the http://localhost:8000/, which displays login page Important: You might error on redirect URL mismatch if you are using instead of http://localhost:8000/.

  7. Click on Affinidi Login button to initiate OIDC login flow with Affinidi Vault