
Easy refinements for use with Laravel

1.1.0 2019-02-21 17:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 21:22:44 UTC


Short description

Easy refinements for use with Laravel. Contains functions for saving filters in Session, generating filter options and fetching filter results.

Quick start

composer require aerynl/refinement
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Aerynl\Refinement\RefinementServiceProvider"

Second command will create \app\config\packages\aerynl\refinement\config.php file, where you can specify table connections and filter names.

How to use

If you want to save filters in session, run:

$refinements = array(
	'products' => array(
		'color_id' => array(12, 13, 14)
Refinement::updateRefinements("products_filters", $refinements);

If you want to get filtered results, run:

$products_query = Refinement::getRefinedQuery("Product", "products_filters");
$products = $products_query->paginate(10);

If you want to get refinement options, run:

$options_scheme = array(
	'parent_table' => 'products', 'join_table' => 'colors', 'filter_column' => 'color_id', 'filter_value' => 'color_name'
$products_options = Refinement::getRefinedQuery("Product", $options_scheme, "products_filters");

What to write in config file

In config file you can specify table connections in joins array and filter names in titles array.

Table connections

Sometimes we need to make joins to create the necessary queries.

Because it's hard to create proper queries from the inputted parameters the configuration below will be used to create the joins. Be sure all the tables you are using for filtering have join configuration! Note, this doesn't mean you should specify in join array tables, which are used to get options. For example, if you filter products by product.color_id and you have table colors, where all colors are kept, there is no need to add colors table to joins array. But if you always need to show only that products, which have = false, be sure that product_sale table is specified in config file.

Joins array has the following scheme:

'joins' => array(
        '$table1_name|$table2_name' => array(
            'left' => '$table1_name.$table1_column',
            'operand' => '=', // or whatever you want
            'right' => '$table2_name.$table2_column'

Titles of filters

Configure the name of your refinements here. If no name is entered the standard naming format will be used (ucfirst)


'titles' => array(
    'products|color_id' => 'Product color',

Refinement title translations

Create a file called refinements.php in /app/lang/en, there you'll be able to add translations for the titles you've added to the configuration.

Detailed information about functions

Refinement::updateRefinements($session_name, $new_refinements)

This method is used to save filters in session. $session_name is the name of session, so you can use several filters sessions in one application. $new_refinements is a new filters array, that should be remembered. Keep the following scheme to have package work correctly:

$new_refinements = array(
	'$table_name1' => array(
		'$table_column1' => array(
			$value1, $value2, $value3
		'$table_column2' => array(
			$value1, $value2, $value3

Refinement::getRefinedQuery($main_model, [$session_name, $eager, $additional_wheres, $additional_joins, $refinements_array])

This method is used to generate query for getting filtered results. Why doesn't it return filtered results? Sometimes you will need to do some operations with query before getting the results, for example groupBy, orderBy, paginate and others. So you can use this function in the following way:

$products_query = Refinement::getRefinedQuery("Product", "products_filters");
$products = $products_query->paginate(10);

Passed variables:

  • $main_model - string main model name.
  • $session_name - string session name.
  • $eager - array of tables, which you want to eager load.
  • $additional_wheres - array of additional where conditions, which need to be ran. For example array(" is true", "products.deleted is null"). Note, if your conditions use other tables, except of main one, you need to specify these tables in $additional_joins (and in config file).
  • $additional_joins - array of additional tables, which are used in $additional_wheres. Note, these tables need to be configured in config file.
  • $refinements_array - is used in case you need to get query with filters not from session, but from custome array. Should have the same format as $new_refinements in updateRefinements function. In this case session refinements are not used.

Refinement::generateOptionsArray($main_model, [$options_scheme, $session_name, $eager, $additional_wheres, $additional_joins])

This method is used for generating array of refinements options using passed scheme. It returns array of options with the following scheme:

$options_array = array(
		'column_name' => string $column_name, // e.g. 'color_id'.
		'parent_table' => string $parent_table // e.g. 'products'.
		'title' => string $category_title	// is taken from Config titles array
		'options' => array(
			$option_id => array(
				'name' => string $option_name,  // e.g. "White"
				'id' => mixed $option_id,		// not integer, but mixed in case you filter by enum field or something else.
				'count' => int $number_of_results,  
				'checked' => bool $is_checked

$column_name, $parent_table and $option_id are used for creating $new_refinements array for updateRefinements function. For example you can show options like checkboxes with name="$parent_table[$column_name][]" and value="$option_id".

Passed variables: Note, first 5 variables should be the same as for getRefinedQuery function if you want to have actual $number_of_results.

  • $main_model - string main model name.
  • $session_name - string session name.
  • $eager - array of tables, which you want to eager load.
  • $additional_wheres - array of additional where conditions, which need to be ran. For example array(" is true", "products.deleted is null"). Note, if your conditions use other tables, except of main one, you need to specify these tables in $additional_joins (and in config file).
  • $additional_joins - array of additional tables, which are used in $additional_wheres. Note, these tables need to be configured in config file.
  • $options_scheme - scheme of options we want to select in the following format:
$options_scheme = array(
		'parent_table' => string $parent_table_name, - filtering is based on this table
		'filter_column' => string $parent_table_column - column of $parent_table. filtering is based on this column
		'join_table' => string $join_table_name, - table, which is joined to parent table and contains option names
		'filter_value' => string $join_table_column - column with option names
		'additional_wheres' => array of strings - additional where statements


$options_scheme = array(
	'parent_table' => 'products', 'join_table' => 'colors', 'filter_column' => 'color_id', 'filter_value' => 'color_name', 'additional_wheres' => array("colors.deleted_at is null")

This means, that results are filtered by products.color_id. And color names you can see in colors.color_name column.

What will be done soon

  • Laravel 5 supporting
  • While I was writing this documentation, I had a great idea! We can avoid passing so many parameters each time by changing static methods to non-static.