
This is a library for uploading files in an easy way

dev-master 2022-07-04 11:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-04 15:49:05 UTC


This is the official repository for the file uploader.


Install aek-file-uploader with composer

  composer require aek/file-uploader

You need to update your application configuration in order to register the package so it can be loaded by Laravel, just update your config/app.php file adding the following code at the end of your 'providers' section:



return [
    // ...
    'providers' => [
        // ...
    // ...

For Laravel, you should publish

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AEK\FileUploader\FileUploaderServiceProvider"
    // or
    php artisan vendor:publish


You should define the destination, visibility, and name_of_column. The package will upload the file to the destination as you defined visibility and add the path of the file after uploading as a value to your model as name_of_column variable.

use AEK\FileUploader\Traits\FileUploader;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use FileUploader;

        Here you should define a variable which name is $fileUploader and this should be array.
        This array also should has another arrays which include special configurations for each column that you want to add value to the database.  
    public $fileUploader = [
            // this is a folder in which we will keep files
            // each column can have another folder for the keep them in a tidy
            "destination" => "users/profile_pictures",

            // this is visibility of the file "public" or "private"
            "visibility"=> "public",

            // Here, you should define column name of the database 
            "name_of_column" => "profile_picture"
            "destination" => "users/credit_cards",
            "visibility"=> "private",
            "name_of_column" => "credit_card_picture"
Route::post('/', function (\Illuminate\Http\Request $request) {
        $user = new \App\Models\User();
        $user->name = $request->name;
        // additional values for the model

Available Methods

Warning: you have to use setKey method before all of the methods.

Quick way to upload files.



We specify the name of the column that we will upload.

Parameter Type Description
key string Required. One of the name_of_column parameters which we defined in the model.


It doesn't take anything as attribute. It deletes file.


Takes file which you want to upload and delete previous file.

Parameter Type Description
file file Required. Delete old file and upload new one


Checks if file exist in the directory.



Returns storage path of the file;




  • Alp Emre Elmas