
Filter Eloquent Models

1.1.0 2016-01-05 19:09 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-05-13 11:17:13 UTC


Easy Filtering for your Eloquent Models. Have you been in the situation where you have a listing of a resource and you want to find those matching certain criteria? e.g. by date range, name, type, those same fields in a relation, etc. Look no more, this package is for you.


Laravel Version Packagist Branch
5.0.* "adrianyg7/filterer": "1.0.*"
Later Laravel 5 versions "adrianyg7/filterer": "1.1.*"

Install this package through Composer.

composer require adrianyg7/filterer

Register the following Service Provider

// config/app.php

'providers' => [


First, create a Filterer using the following artisan command.

php artisan make:filterer UserFilterer

This will create the file app/Filterers/UserFilterer.php.

Note: for more information about this command. php artisan -h make:filterer


namespace App\Filterers;

use Adrianyg7\Filterer\Filterer;

class UserFilterer extends Filterer
     * The Model class to use.
     * @var string
    public $model = 'App\User';

     * Apply the appropriate filters.
     * @return void
    public function filters()

Now, lets say we want all users containing the string gmail in their email column.

// app/Filterers/UserFilterer.php

public function filters()
// app/Http/routes.php

Route::get('users', function (App\Filterers\UserFilterer $filterer) {
    return $filterer->results();

Finally, make the request /users?email=gmail.

By default, your results will be paginated. If you want to disable this feature, you can set the $paginate property of your Filterer to false.

public $paginate = false;

To eager load relations to your results, set the $with property of your Filterer accordingly.

public $with = [


Filterer implements the IteratorAggregate interface; that means, for example, that you can iterate it in your views.

@foreach ($filterer as $user)

Built-in methods

In Model

  • like
  • equal
  • notEqual
  • gt
  • gte
  • lt
  • lte

The first argument for these methods is the column in which you are going to filter. The second one is the request input key, if you don't provide it, the value of column will be assumed.

// /users?correo_electronico=juan

$this->like('email', 'correo_electronico');


  • relationLike
  • relationEqual
  • relationNotEqual
  • relationGt
  • relationGte
  • relationLt
  • relationLte

Almost the same as In Model methods, but another argument will be prepended, it is the name of the relation.

// /users?role_name=admin

$this->relationLike('roles', 'name', 'role_name');

To add an or filter you can pass $boolean = 'or' to the last argument or use the dynamic methods provided by Filterer.

// /users?q=foo

$this->like('first_name', 'q')
     ->like('last_name', 'q', 'or')
     ->relationLike('roles', 'name', 'q', 'or');

// or

$this->like('first_name', 'q')
     ->orLike('last_name', 'q')
     ->orRelationLike('roles', 'name', 'q');

The previous filters mean find users that contain 'foo' in their first name, last name or role name.

Advance usage

To write your own filters, create a method as following.

 * Performs a where like clause to Builder.
 * @param  string       $column
 * @param  string|null  $input
 * @param  string       $boolean
 * @return $this
public function like($column, $input = null, $boolean = 'and')
    $input = $input ?: $column;

    if ($this->requestHas($input)) {
        $this->builder->where($column, 'like', "%{$this->input($input)}%", $boolean);

    return $this;

Or code your logic directly in filters method.

if ($this->requestHas('email')) {
    $this->builder->where('email', 'like', "%{$this->input('email')}%");

Laravel 5.0

This version has a bug that messes up your paginator when using selectRaw with bindings, in this case, use the additionalColumns method and the Filterer will build a functional paginator for you.

public function additionalColumns()
    $this->builder->select('*')->selectRaw('? as greeting', ['hello']);

For later Laravel 5 versions, use the 1.1.* packagist branch, which doesn't include this logic, since the bug was fixed.

To Do

  • Tests


Mit license