
Logging activities database for laravel

2.1.8 2024-05-11 04:31 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-11 04:31:52 UTC


Laravel Database Logging is a feature that allows developers to store application logs in a database, rather than the default file-based storage. This feature provides a structured and organized approach to managing application logs, making it easier to query and analyze them.

Laravel Installation Instructions

  1. From your projects root folder in terminal run:

    composer require adityadarma/laravel-database-logging
  2. Install config and asset to record the activities to:

    php artisan database-logging:install
  3. Run the migration to add the table to record, before running please check morph key type on config to set type column:

    php artisan migrate


Laravel Database Logging can be configured in directly in /config/database-logging.php if you published the assets. Or you can variables to your .env file.

Environment File

Here are the .env file variables available:



Middleware Usage

Events for laravel authentication scaffolding are listened for as providers and are enabled via middleware. You can add events to your routes and controllers via the middleware:


Example to start recording page views using middleware in web.php:

Route::group(['middleware' => ['web', 'capture-logging']], function () {
    Route::get('/', 'WelcomeController@welcome')->name('welcome');

This middleware can be enabled/disabled in the configuration settings.

Trait Usage

Events can be recorded directly by using the trait. When using the trait you can customize the event description.

To use the trait:

  1. Include the call in the head of your class file:

    use AdityaDarma\LaravelDatabaseLogging\Traits\DatabaseLoggable;
  2. Include the trait call in the opening of your class:

    use DatabaseLoggable;


Laravel Activity Dashboard Routes

Set route access from file config database-logging.php

  • /database-logging


This Package is licensed under the MIT license. Enjoy!