
AdeoWeb standards

1.1.5 2022-09-01 06:39 UTC


A set of AdeoWeb rules for PHP_CodeSniffer tool.


To use within your project you can use:

  1. Add package:
$ composer require --dev adeoweb/adeo-coding-style-php
  1. To add the code standard please include this into the phpcs.xml and modify it accordingly:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <rule ref="./vendor/adeoweb/adeo-coding-style-php/standard/Magento/ruleset.xml"/>


To run:

$ ./vendor/bin/phpcs

Fixing issues automatically

Also you can run phpcbf from the command-line to fix your code MyAwesomeExtension for warnings like "PHPCBF CAN FIX THE [0-9]+ MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY"

$ vendor/bin/phpcbf app/code/MyAwesomeExtension


Releases are made when there is a:

  • Patch: messages of type WARNING has changed: it was added, removed, parameters changed
  • Minor: the message of type ERROR has been changed