
ISDOC parser and generator.

1.2.1 2023-08-18 12:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-18 13:46:46 UTC


This is a PHP library for parsing and generating ISDOC files.


composer require adawolfa/isdoc

Reading files

$manager = Adawolfa\ISDOC\Manager::create();
$invoice = $manager->reader->file('filename.isdoc');

print $invoice->id;

foreach ($invoice->invoiceLines as $invoiceLine) {
    print $invoiceLine->note->content;

By default, files are deserialized into Adawolfa\ISDOC\Schema\Invoice. All code in that namespace is automatically generated from the official XSD schema. You can extend the base Invoice class and map your or your vendor's extensions.

use Adawolfa\ISDOC\Map;

class MyInvoice extends Adawolfa\ISDOC\Schema\Invoice
    private ?MyExtensions $extensions;

class MyExtensions
    private string $customElement;

$invoice = $manager->reader->file('filename.isdoc', MyInvoice::class);

Writing files

You should use the decorated Adawolfa\ISDOC\Invoice class when creating ISDOC files, as the constructor is more sane and with reasonable defaults. It also takes care of some of the summary fields.

$invoice = new ISDOC\Invoice(
    DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2021-08-16'),
    new ISDOC\Schema\Invoice\AccountingSupplierParty(
        new ISDOC\Schema\Invoice\Party(
            new ISDOC\Schema\Invoice\PartyIdentification('12345678'),
            new ISDOC\Schema\Invoice\PartyName('Firma, a. s.'),
            new ISDOC\Schema\Invoice\PostalAddress(
                '100 01',
                new ISDOC\Schema\Invoice\Country('CZ', 'Česká republika')

    new ISDOC\Schema\Invoice\InvoiceLine('1', '100.0', '121.0', '21.0', '100.0', '121.0',
        new ISDOC\Schema\Invoice\ClassifiedTaxCategory(

$manager->writer->file($invoice, 'filename.isdoc');


ISDOCX files are supported. Either use the .isdocx extension or specify the file format when reading/writing.

$invoice = $manager->reader->file('filename.isdocx', ISDOC\Schema\Invoice::class, $manager::FORMAT_ISDOCX);
$manager->writer->file('filename.isdocx', $manager::FORMAT_ISDOCX);

Attachments (a.k.a. supplements) are supported out of box. When generating an ISDOCX file, use Adawolfa\ISDOC\Invoice\Supplement:

$supplement = Adawolfa\ISDOC\Invoice\Supplement::fromPath('attachment.pdf');

Digest will be computed and appended automatically (SHA1, no other algorithms are supported as of now).

When reading, a different subclass is being used:

foreach ($invoice->supplementsList as $supplement) {

    if ($supplement instanceof Adawolfa\ISDOC\X\Supplement) {
        if (!$supplement->ok) {
            throw new Exception('Digest failed.');



I have a non-conforming ISDOC file that's missing a required value.

You might encounter an exception like this:

Fatal error: Uncaught Adawolfa\ISDOC\Data\ValueException: Value VATApplicable is missing.

By default, the decoder hydrates (that is, decodes and assigns) all declared properties unless they are not present in the ISDOC file and have a default value. Some values are always supposed to be there, but sometimes they simply aren't because of an incomplete implementation on the issuing side.

One way to get around this is to enable the relaxed hydration mode, which causes the hydrator simply skip such properties.

$manager = Adawolfa\ISDOC\Manager::create($skipMissingPrimitiveValuesHydration = true);
$invoice = $manager->reader->file('filename.isdoc');

Do note, however, that such an object might have uninitialized properties, causing issues later on.


make composer-install # run composer install (Docker)
make composer-update # run composer update (Docker)
make generate-schema # generate new schema after updating xsd file (Docker)
make run-tests # run tests (Docker)