adata-team / laravel-clickhouse-migrations
Clickhouse migrations for Laravel
- php: ^8.0.0
- illuminate/console: ^8.65|^9.21|^10.0
- illuminate/contracts: ^6.0|^7.0|^8.0|^9.0|^10.0
- illuminate/filesystem: ^8 || ^9 || ^10
- illuminate/support: ^8.0|^9.0|^10.0
- smi2/phpclickhouse: ^1.3
Requires (Dev)
- orchestra/testbench: ^5.3
Install this package via Composer.
composer require adata-team/laravel-clickhouse-migrations
Publish Clickhouse configs:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider='Adata\ClickhouseMigrations\Providers\MigrationProvider'
Basic Usage
Create a new migration file:
php artisan make:clickhouse-migration {name}
Up migrations:
php artisan clickhouse-migrate
Down last migration:
php artisan clickhouse-migration:rollback
Advanced Usage
New Migration
To create a new migration, use this command:
php artisan make:clickhouse-migration {name}
For example:
php artisan make:clickhouse-migration create_users_table
The new file will be located at the path specified in the configs: clickhouse.path
You can use a more prepared stub from the library that contains a template for quickly adding a new table by adding the --table option:
php artisan make:clickhouse-migration create_users_table --table=users
You can use a more prepared stub from the library that contains a template for quickly adding a new table by adding the --table option:
php artisan make:clickhouse-migration create_users_dictionary --dictionary=users
You can override the path to the migrations folder by passing the --path option:
php artisan make:clickhouse-migration create_users_table --path=database/new-migrations-folder
If you want to use an absolute path to the file, add one more option - --realpath to the existing option:
php artisan make:clickhouse-migration create_users_table --path=/path/to/migrations --realpath
You can use your (override) prepared stub when creating a new file, list: clickhouse.stubs:
For example:
php artisan make:clickhouse-migration create_users_table --stub=default
Also you can add Handlers, with them, you can customize over one stub every time you create a file:
php artisan make:clickhouse-migration create_users_table --stub=myStub --stub.handler='App\Clickhouse\MyHandler'
The class must implement the
You can pass your $parameters
, for example:
php artisan make:clickhouse-migration create_users_table --stub.handler='App\Clickhouse\MyHandler' --stub.param=key:value --stub.param=table:products
You can also register a global handler that will apply to all generated stub files:
Up Migrations
To remove the interactive question during production migrations, you can use --force option:
php artisan clickhouse-migrate --force
To output migrations to be applied use --output option:
php artisan clickhouse-migrate --output
Before applying the shown migrations - will display an interactive question, to remove it, you can add another --force option to this option:
php artisan clickhouse-migrate --output --force
You can specify how many files need to be applied:
php artisan clickhouse-migrate --step=1
- all files
Down Migrations
Has the same properties as in Up Migrations.
You can use a singleton object smi2/phpClickHouse to query ClickHouse (used in migrations):
app('clickhouse')->select(/* Query */); app('clickhouse')->write(/* Query */);