
This small package will allow you to use the Mandango ODM in your Laravel application.

dev-master 2013-08-12 07:52 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 17:01:43 UTC


This small package will allow you to use the Mandango ODM in your Laravel application.

This package has been thrown together quite quickly. I will update it when I have time!


To install Laravel Mandango as a Composer package to be used with Laravel 4, add this to your composer.json:

"adamlc/laravel-mandango": "dev-master"

Run composer update.

Once it's installed, you can register the service provider and facade in app/config/app.php:

'providers' => array(
'aliases' => array(
	'Mandango' => 'Adamlc\LaravelMandango\LaravelMandangoFacade'

Then publish the config file with php artisan config:publish adamlc/laravel-mandango. This will add the file app/config/packages/adamlc/laravel-mandango/mandango.php.


In the configuration file you will need to configure you MongoDB connection and setup your Mondator schema which will be used for automatic class generation.

Mondator Class Generation

Once you have configured your schema as per the documentation you need to run thr artisan command to generate the classes, make sure you run composer dump-autoload followed by php artisan mondator:run

When Mandator has generated your classes you need to tell composer how to auto load them. Add the following to your composer.json under classmap:

"classmap": [

After that make sure you do another composer dump-autoload


Once the above steps have been completed you can simply get your repository by calling like this:

$articleRepository = Mandango::getRepository('Model\Article');