
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

MQ Manager for inter micro-service messaging in laravel

1.0.1 2019-12-09 19:32 UTC


Message queue manager (MQ Manager) is a package that allows asynchronous inter service messages to be sent by micro services built on the laravel framework.

By default the MQ managers uses RabbitMQ as the message broker using the following connection credentials:

host:localhost port:5672 username:guest password:guest

These can be be set manually via the following env values:






The package can then be installed using composer:

composer require adamhutchison/laravel-mq-manager

Then run the following command:

php artisan mq-manager:install

This will publish the mqmanager.php config file to the applications config folder

Then set the following environment variables in the applications .env file:

  • MQ_MANAGER_QUEUE - defines the default queue that you wish messages to be published to, this will default to queue

  • MQ_MANAGER_SERVICE - states the MQ service driver you wish to use to power your inter service messaging, the package uses rabbitmq, we are looking to add ActiveMQ in the future.

Basic usage

Sending Messages

By default MQ Manager will attempt to send messages to the queue defined in the MQ_MANAGER_QUEUE env variable, however you may also pass a custom queue name as a second parameter to the sendMessage() method on the MQManager class.

It's important to know that the MQManager class is a singleton so it should be resolved using Laravels service container rather than using the new operator

Basic Example:

    // Sends message 'Hello world to the queue deined by MQ_MANAGER_QUEUE env value
    app(MQManager::class)->sendMessage('Hello World');

    // Sends message to a custom queue
    app(MQManager::class)->sendMessage('Hello World', 'some_custom_queue');

Receiving Messages

You can listen for messages sent by other services using the listen() method on the MQManager class. By default MQ Manager will listen for messages sent to the queues registered with the registerQueueListener() method on the MQManager class. This method expects two parameter, the first is the name of the queue and the second is a closure that that the message will be passed to.

    app(MQManager::class)->registerQueueListener('test_queue', function($message){
        echo $message->getBody();

You may also pass in a custom queue and closure to the listen method. In this case only messages sent to the specified queue will be listened for, all queues subscribed to in the the mqmanager.php config will be ignored.

Basic Example

    // Listen for messages on queues defined in mqconfig.subscribed_queues array
    // listen for messages sent to a custom queue and handle using a callback
    app(MQManager::class)->listen('custom_queue', function($message){
        echo $message->body;

Automatic Messaging For Models Events

MQ Manager includes functionality that allows messages to be automatically sent to the when a model is created, updated or deleted. Simply add the MQManager\Events\ModelTraits\SendsMQMessages to any model that you wish messages to be broadcast for.

    namespace App;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
    use MQManager\ModelTraits\ModelTraits\SendsMQMessages; 
    class Job extends Model
        use SendsMQMessages;    

MQ Messenger will then send a message in the following format to the queue defined in the .env file

  "event_type": "created",
  "model": "App\\SomeModel",
  "data": {
      "id": 1,
      "model_field_1": "value",
      "some_other_model_field": "value2"

Listening For Model Events

MQ Manager provides the following artisan command for listening for model events php artisan mq-manager:listen. This artisan command can be started and monitored using supervisor (in the same way that queue worker would) to allow for model events to be detected from a different microservice.