
Write Laravel logs to database table via Eloquent model

v1.2.5 2020-04-20 00:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-20 13:38:11 UTC


Laravel logs to database table via custom Monolog channel + Eloquent model.


  • Run composer require adamcrampton/laravel-database-logger in your project directory
  • Add library service provider AdamCrampton\LaravelDatabaseLogger\LogServiceProvider::class to config\app.php
  • Run php artisan migrate to set up the logs table
  • In config\logging.php, add a new channel for the custom logs:
    'database' => [
        'driver' => 'custom',
        'via' => \AdamCrampton\LaravelDatabaseLogger\Services\LogMonoLog::class
  • Update the log stack array in config\logging.php to include the new channel:
'stack' => [
    'driver' => 'stack',
    'channels' => ['daily', 'database'],
'database' => [
    'driver' => 'custom',
    'via' => \AdamCrampton\LaravelDatabaseLogger\Services\LogMonoLog::class


A scheduled task is bundled with the package, which will delete rows in the logs table older than the expiration setting. To use this:

  • Run php artisan vendor:publish to publish the database_logger.php config file to your project
  • Run php artisan config:cache to ensure the project config is up to date
  • Set the expiration length (in days) in your project's config/database_logger.php file
  • Add an entry to the app/Console/Commands/Kernel.php file to schedule the cron job, something like: $schedule->command('logs:prune')->dailyAt('07:45');

To run the command manually: php artisan logs:prune


The package is pretty much a custom channel for Monolog, so you can use the existing facade and methods.

These columns are automatically populated when adding to the log:

  • description The log message
  • origin The origin value from the request header
  • type Log type (log, store, change, or delete)
  • result Log result (success, neutral, or failure)
  • level Log message level (emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, or debug)

Additionally, you can pass in a category and sub_category value, which will be saved to those columns when generating a log entry. Example:

Log::info('test', ['category' => 'This is a category', 'sub_category' => 'This is a subcategory]);