
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A utility for parsing and generating service DSNs

0.4.0 2015-03-28 07:40 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 12:30:17 UTC


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A utility for parsing and generating service DSNs

What is a DSN?

A data source name (DSN) is a string which defines how to connect to a service. Since it's a string, it's portable, not language or implementation dependent and anything capable of parsing it can know how to connect to the service it points at.

What does this repo do?

This repo only provides a means of converting a DSN string into an array and vice versa.

Wrapper classes?

When using a wrapper class, this repo provides an array in the format expected by a particular consumer. So for example, the CakePHP wrapper classes provide arrays in the format the framework understands for a given DSN string.

Basic usage

The main dsn class implements a parse function which returns a dsn instance:

use \AD7six\Dsn\Dsn;

$dsn = Dsn::parse($url);

The class of the returned object is dependent upon the scheme of the service url, for example:

// $dsn is an instance of \AD7six\Dsn\Db\MysqlDsn;
$dsn = Dsn::parse('mysql://host/dbname');

// $dsn is an instance of \AD7six\Dsn\Db\SqliteDsn;
$dsn = Dsn::parse('sqlite:///path/to/name.db');

For unknown schemes - the an instance of the called class is returned. This also means that a more specific instance can be obtained by using a less-generic class where appropriate:

// $dsn is an instance of \AD7six\Dsn\Dsn;
$dsn = Dsn::parse('newdb://host/dbname');

// $dsn is an instance of \AD7six\Dsn\DbDsn;
$dsn = DbDsn::parse('newdb://host/dbname');

In all of the above cases, the returned instance is the "raw" dsn data:

// $dsn is an instance of \AD7six\Dsn\Db\MysqlDsn;
$dsn = Dsn::parse('mysql://host/dbname');

	'scheme' => 'mysql',
	'host' => 'host',
	'port' => 3306,
	'database' => 'dbname'

If the behavior of the raw dsn needs to be modified - use a wrapper implementation


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