
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.
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Settings bundle used by ACSPanel

dev-master 2016-01-22 19:03 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-09-30 09:51:32 UTC


This bundles enables the ACSPanel settings.

The file to map the settings needed for the panel is app/main/config/panel_settings.yml. This file defines what are the system settings only editable by the superadmin, the user settings and the internal settings. When you change this file to add new fields the next time one user goes to settings screen the new settings will be generated.

Install the bundle

Using composer:

composer require acs/acspanel-settings

Add the next line to AppKernel:

new ACS\ACSPanelSettingsBundle\ACSACSPanelSettingsBundle(),

Setting up

Add the following config lines to configure your app setting entity:

    setting_class:        ACS\ACSPanelBundle\Entity\PanelSetting # Required
    settings_class:       ACS\ACSPanelSettingsBundle\Doctrine\SettingManager # Required
        setting_key:          ~
        label:                ~
        field_type:           ~
        default_value:        ~
        context:              ~

            # Prototype
            name:                 []
        focus:                user_setting
        setting_key:          ~
        label:                ~
        field_type:           ~

            # Prototype
            name:                 []
        default_value:        ~
        context:              ~
        focus:                system_setting

Extends your entity from the Bundle entity (Remember to not include id field in doctrine definition)

use ACS\ACSPanelSettingsBundle\Entity\ConfigSetting;

class UserSetting extends ConfigSetting

Add the routes to app/routing.yml

    resource: "@ACSACSPanelSettingsBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
    prefix:   /