
Package to easily integrate the AbuseIPDB API with Laravel.

1.0.10 2025-02-26 23:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-26 23:27:25 UTC


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Package to easily integrate the AbuseIPDB API with your Laravel project.


You can install the package via composer:

  composer require abuseipdb/laravel

After installing, you need to add ABUSEIPDB_API_KEY to your .env file.



Register on abuseipdb.com to get a free API key.



All methods are static, and can be called using the AbuseIPDB facade.


Inspect details regarding the IP address queried.


Optional parameters:

  • maxAgeInDays: The maximum age of reports to return (1-365), defaults to 30
  • verbose: Whether to include verbose information (reports), defaults to false


Report an IP address to AbuseIPDB. At least one category must be specified.

AbuseIPDB::report('', categories: [18, 22]);

Optional parameters:

  • comment: An optional comment to include with the report, for example a logged indicator of attack
  • timestamp: An optional timestamp to include with the report indicating the time of attack


Get the reports for a single IP address (v4 or v6).


Optional parameters:

  • maxAgeInDays: The maximum age of reports to return (1-365), defaults to 30
  • page: The page number to get for the paginated response, defaults to 1
  • perPage: The number of reports to get per page (1-100), defaults to 25


Get the AbuseIPDB blacklist.


Optional parameters:

  • confidenceMinimum: The minimum confidence score to include an IP in the blacklist (25-100), defaults to 100
  • limit: The maximum number of blacklisted IPs to return, defaults to 10000
  • plaintext: Whether to return the blacklist in plaintext (a plain array of IPs), defaults to false
  • onlyCountries: Only include IPs from these countries (use 2-letter country codes)
  • exceptCountries: Exclude IPs from these countries (use 2-letter country codes)
  • ipVersion: The IP version to return (4 or 6), defaults to both


Checks an entire subnet against the AbuseIPDB database.


Optional parameters:

  • maxAgeInDays: The maximum age of reports to return (1-365), defaults to 30


Report multiple IP addresses to AbuseIPDB in bulk from a csv string.



Deletes your reports for a specific address from the AbuseIPDB database.



You can find a complete documentation of the available methods here.


In the event of an error, this package will throw an exception from the Abuseipdb\Exceptions namespace. Those exceptions include the following:

InvalidParameterException: Parameter passed in was invalid for the API.

MissingAPIKeyException: Your API key in your .env file was not found or invalid.

PaymentRequiredException: 402 error was thrown by API, indicating feature needs a higher subscription.

TooManyRequestsException: 429 error was thrown by API, indicating request limit has been exceeded.

UnprocessableContentException: 422 error was thrown by API, indicating request parameters could not be handled, either missing or incorrect.

UnconventionalErrorException: Error code other than 402, 422, or 429 was returned by the API.

Quick start for automatic reporting of suspicious operations

This package supports automatically reporting instances of Symfony's SuspiciousOperationException.

To use this functionality, update your app\Exceptions\Handler.php to something like this:


namespace App\Exceptions;

use AbuseIPDB\AbuseIPDBExceptionReporter;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler as ExceptionHandler;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Exception\SuspiciousOperationException;
use Throwable;

class Handler extends ExceptionHandler

    // ...
    public function register(): void
        $this->reportable(function (Throwable $e) {
            if ($e instanceof SuspiciousOperationException) {

Now, your project will automatically report to AbuseIPDB when a SuspiciousOperationException is thrown.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This package is licensed under the MIT License.