
ABOUT YOU External application authorization SDK

0.3.7 2014-12-15 17:01 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 03:42:43 UTC





The auth-sdk is just a simple wrapper around persistent state storage and redirect response parsing for the OAuth2 web grant type.

A simpler explanation is given http://aaronparecki.com/articles/2012/07/29/1/oauth2-simplified. You should read it at least once, to have a basic understanding of OAuth2. This sdk covers the "Web Server Apps" part mentioned there.

The auth-sdk hides most of the OAuth2 stuff, so you'll basically have to do 3 things (in this order):

  • First try to parse the redirect sent back to your site after the login.
    • Call sdk->parseRedirectResponse()
  • Check, if you have permissions (=access token) to call an api method for the user.
    • Call sdk->getUser()
  • If not, redirect the user to an external login page. 1
    • Redirect to sdk->getLoginUrl()

Your app now should have permissions to make an api call on behalf of the user. Take a look at: ./examples/basic.php

You can use the acces token then stored in the auth-sdk for subsequent api calls until the token expires. (Server-side or until the user logs out)

Include with composer

  "require": {
    "aboutyou/auth-sdk": "~0.3.6"

If you just want to run the examples now, please refer to the "Examples" section.

Oauth2 web grant type usage

  • Have a look at: ./examples/basic.php

Create the sdk object

$authSDK = new AuthSDK(array(
		'clientSecret' => 'from_dev_center',
		'scope'=>'firstname',  //optional. the only valid value is firstname at the moment
		'popup'=>'true|false', //optional. true will render a small login, false the login webpage
	),new SessionStorage());

(There are two optional parameters that can be "overwritten" 'loginUrl' and 'resourceUrl'. But usually there is no need for that)

Parse the response (login redirected back to your site)

  • Call this method first and only once per request
  • $parsed will be true, if it was a redirect. Just in case you need this information.
$parsed = $authSDK->parseRedirectResponse();

Check user status. Show login or logout

  • Check, if login button|redirect needed
$authResult = $authSDK->getUser();
	//optional, add values you want to get back on your redirect endpoint
	//but do this before getLoginUrl()

	renderLoginButton( $authSDK->getLoginUrl() ); //renderLoginButton: your render method

	renderLogoutButton( $authSDK->getLogoutUrl() ); //renderLogoutButton: your render method

  • Its also possible to set 'state' params (will be returned)
  • getLogoutUrl() has an optional parameter redirectUrl. If set, after the logout you will be redirected to that. Else to the 'redirectUri' of the sdk config.
  • In both cases getLogoutUrl() will append the get parameter logout=true to redirectUrl (which is used by e.g. parseRedirectUrl() to clean the persistent storage).
## Examples
  • Can be found in the folder: ./examples/*


  • Open a terminal, in the sdk root folder run php composer.phar install.
* If you use php >= 5.4 you can now try `./run.sh` (as root/sudo) in the `./examples` folder. Keep an eye on the console messages (it will complain about the /etc/hosts config, add it). If everything works, you should be able to open the (local) url shown in the console afterwards. * On Windows, or if run.sh is not working: With php >= 5.4 just try `php -S mytestserver.local:8080` in the `./examples` folder (as root/sudo on linux/osx). Notice you have to add ` mytestserver.local` to your `/etc/hosts` for this to work. (Windows: system32\drivers\etc\hosts) * For php < 5.4 refer to your server documentation to create a vhost config with the document root pointing to the `./examples` folder.


  • ./examples/basic.php:

    • example for typical usecase, just as much code as needed. Note, that you need to set your redirectUrl to {yourdomain}/basic.php
  • ./examples/parent_page.php & ./examples/result_page.php:

    • example for showing more options, intercepts the redirect, so you can take a look at the params returned. Note, that you need to set your redirectUrl to {yourdomain}/result_page.php


  • Copy ./example/common_params.php to ./example/common_params.local.php
  • Change the params in ./example/common_params.local.php to match your values (from dev center)


    • If the user is not logged in there, it will grant the user for its username and password and then redirect back to your site with an access token.
    • If your user however already is logged in, it will just redirect back to your site with an access token.
    • There is one more authorization flow step after those possible grants from the user and really fetching the access token, but the auth-sdk will gently hide that from you