
Official Aboardly API library client for PHP

v1.0.3 2016-05-14 20:19 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-21 05:50:57 UTC


Official Aboardly API library client for PHP

This library is generated by alpaca and then modified by hand, hence why some things seem over engineered.


Make sure you have composer installed.

Add the following to your composer.json

    "require": {
        "aboardly/aboardly": "1.*"

Update your dependencies

$ php composer.phar update

This package follows the PSR-0 convention names for its classes, which means you can easily integrate these classes loading in your own autoloader.


Works with [ 5.4 + ]



// This file is generated by Composer
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Then we instantiate a client (as shown below)

Build a client

Using this api without authentication gives an error

Basic authentication
$auth = array('username' => 'api_key', 'password' => 'api_secret');

$client = new Aboardly\Client($auth);

Response information

All the callbacks provided to an api call will recieve the response as shown below

$response = $client->klass->method('args', $methodOptions);

// >>> 200

// >>> array('x-server' => 'apache')

Customers api

Create/Update customer (PUT customers/:customerId)

Updates customer data. If customer does not exist it is created.

The following arguments are required:

  • customer_id: Customer identifier - an identifier that can 1:1 match to the user in your own systems.
  • options.email: Customer email - required
  • options: Data about customer like first_name, last_name, email (required)
$options = array('email' => 'test@foo.bar', 'name' => 'John Smith');
$response = $client->customers->upsert("customer_id", $options);

Events api

Create event (POST customers/:customerId/events/:eventName)

Creates a new event for a customer

The following arguments are required:

  • customer_id: Customer identifier - an identifier that can 1:1 match to the user in your own systems.
  • event_name: Event name (e.g. logged_in, signed_up, added_funds)
$response = $events->create("customer_id", "event_name");