
Maps for your Laravel application

dev-main 2023-12-05 13:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-05 14:13:40 UTC


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Using this package you can easily display maps on your website.

Supported map services:

  • Google Maps
  • OpenStreetMap
  • Bing Maps
  • MapQuest
  • Yandex Maps
  • MapKit (beta)

Note: Yandex Maps API does not work in Chrome.


Google Maps OpenStreetMap Bing Maps MapQuest Yandex Maps MapKit
Marker Links
Marker Popups
Custom Marker Icons
Marker Click Event


This package can be installed through Composer.

composer require gonoware/laravel-maps

Publish the compiled assets to public/vendor/maps with one of these commands:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=maps
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="GoNoWare\Maps\MapsServiceProvider" --tag=public

When updating, use the --force switch to overwrite existing assets:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=maps --force

Optionally, you can also publish the config file of this package with this command to config/vendor/maps.php:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="GoNoWare\Maps\MapsServiceProvider" --tag=config


Load the map styles by adding the following directive to your Blade template before the </head> closing tag.


Then add the following directive to your Blade template before the </body> closing tag, to load the map scripts.


Basic Map

Display a map by adding the @map directive to your Blade template.

    'lat' => 48.134664,
    'lng' => 11.555220,
    'zoom' => 6,

Map With Markers

You can also show markers / pins / annotations:

    'lat' => 48.134664,
    'lng' => 11.555220,
    'zoom' => 6,
    'markers' => [
            'title' => 'Go NoWare',
            'lat' => 48.134664,
            'lng' => 11.555220,

Marker Links

Open a url when a marker is clicked.

    'lat' => 48.134664,
    'lng' => 11.555220,
    'zoom' => 6,
    'markers' => [
            'title' => 'Go NoWare',
            'lat' => 48.134664,
            'lng' => 11.555220,
            'url' => 'https://gonoware.com',

Marker Popups

Show a popup when a marker is clicked. The popup attribute may contain HTML markup.

    'lat' => 48.134664,
    'lng' => 11.555220,
    'zoom' => 6,
    'markers' => [
            'title' => 'Go NoWare',
            'lat' => 48.134664,
            'lng' => 11.555220,
            'popup' => '<h3>Details</h3><p>Click <a href="https://gonoware.com">here</a>.</p>',

Custom Marker Icons

Show a custom marker icon. Absolute and relative URLs are supported.

    'lat' => 48.134664,
    'lng' => 11.555220,
    'zoom' => 6,
    'markers' => [
            'title' => 'Go NoWare',
            'lat' => 48.134664,
            'lng' => 11.555220,
            'url' => 'https://gonoware.com',
            'icon' => 'https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/full/images/beachflag.png',

Additionally you may also specify the icon image size and anchor in pixels. The image will be aligned so that the tip of the icon is at the marker's geographical location.

    'lat' => 48.134664,
    'lng' => 11.555220,
    'zoom' => 6,
    'markers' => [
            'title' => 'Go NoWare',
            'lat' => 48.134664,
            'lng' => 11.555220,
            'url' => 'https://gonoware.com',
            'icon' => 'https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/full/images/beachflag.png',
            'icon_size' => [20, 32],
            'icon_anchor' => [0, 32],


To adjust the height of the map use CSS:

.gnw-map-service {
    height: 750px;

Change the background of the map container:

.gnw-map-service__osm {
    background: rgb(221, 221, 221);

Fade in by default when using Bootstrap 3.3.7 or 4+. To replicate or modify the animation use following CSS:

.gnw-map.fade {
    transition: opacity .15s linear;
.gnw-map.fade:not(.show) {
    opacity: 0;


Map Initialized

The event LaravelMaps:MapInitialized will be dispatched when a map and its markers were initialized. The DOM element, map, markers and service name can be accessed via the event details.

window.addEventListener('LaravelMaps:MapInitialized', function (event) {
   var element = event.detail.element;
   var map = event.detail.map;
   var markers = event.detail.markers;
   var service = event.detail.service;
   console.log('map initialized', element, map, markers, service);

Please refer to the respective documentation for advanced customization:

Marker Clicked

The event LaravelMaps:MarkerClicked will be dispatched when a marker was clicked. The DOM element, map, marker and service name can be accessed via the event details.

window.addEventListener('LaravelMaps:MarkerClicked', function (event) {
    var element = event.detail.element;
    var map = event.detail.map;
    var marker = event.detail.marker;
    var service = event.detail.service;
    console.log('marker clicked', element, map, marker, service);


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email em@gonoware.com instead of using the issue tracker.




Copyright (c) 2018-present Go NoWare

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