
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

A package for generating accessible navigation menus


This package is a PHP version of the npm a11y-menu markup generation utilities.

The goal is to provide a developer experience similar to the a11y-menu javascript package. That includes:

  • Generating menus from JSON
  • Providing access to the minimal styles and script from the a11y-menu package
  • Allowing developers a straightforward menu generation experience. The class exposes a single static method.


This package should be installed with composer - composer require aberkow/a11y-menu-php.


Using the markup generator requires a JSON file with the following format.

  "menu": [
      "name": "Display Name",
      "slug": "slugified-name",
      "link": "/route",
      "sub": false,
      "classes": ["optional", "classes"]

if a submenu is required, mark the sub property as true and provide a menu property with an array of menu items. For example

  "menu": [
      "name": "Display Name",
      "slug": "slugified-name",
      "link": "/route",
      "sub": true,
      "classes": ["optional", "classes"],
      "menu": [
          "name": "Submenu Item 1",
          "slug": "submenu-item-1",
          "link": "/submenu-item-1",
          "sub": false
          "name": "Submenu Item 2",
          "slug": "submenu-item-2",
          "link": "/submenu-item-2",
          "sub": false


Using the menu generator is straightforward. It requires

  • the base stylesheet
  • the base Navigation script
  • using the generator's display_menu method


  • require vendor/autoload.php
  • create a json file as above and decode it
$data = file_get_contents('path/to/file.json');
$menu = json_decode($data)->menu;
  • create navigation markup
    • prefix nav and ul ids with am-
<nav id="am-my-nav">
  <ul id="am-main-nav"></ul>
  • echo the results of the menu generator inside the <ul>
  • add styles and the Navigation.js script
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="vendor/ucomm/a11y-menu/dist/main.css">

<nav id="am-navigation">
  <ul id="am-php-menu">
    <?php echo A11y\Menu_Generator::display_menu($decoded->menu); ?>

// before the closing body tag...
  <script src="vendor/ucomm/a11y-menu/dist/Navigation.js"></script>


For more details on styling and js implementation, please see the a11y-menu github repo. This repo has information about

  • The Navigation javascript constructor
  • Incorporating alternative menu icons
  • Extending the base styles