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A Package to handle LiveWire Tables

v0.1.0 2023-04-08 09:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-08 13:50:59 UTC


Livewire Tables

Livewire tables is an add-on for your laravel/livewire project that lets you beautiful data tables within a matter of minutes. It comes with Table and Column classes that handle the logic behind your data tables.


composer require aashan/livewire-table


After installing the package, here is a step-by-step guide on how you can use livewire table.

  1. Create a class UsersTable inside the livewire components directory (app/Http/Livewire)
  2. Open the \App\Http\Livewire\UsersTable class and make it as follows
    class UsersTable extends \LivewireTable\Components\Table {
         protected function columns() : array{
             return [
         protected function builder(): \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder {
              return \App\Models\User::query(); 
  3. Open the view where you want to show the table and add the livewire component name @livewire('users-table')

That's it. You should see a table in your view.

But wait?

You might be wondering why the table is empty. It's because we haven't added any columns yet. Remember the columns method that we just left empty? Now it's time to fill it up with actual columns.

protected function columns(): array
    return [
        \LivewireTable\Table\Column::make('id', 'ID'),
        \LivewireTable\Table\Column::make('name', 'Name'),
        \LivewireTable\Table\Column::make('email', 'Email'),
        \LivewireTable\Table\Column::make('created_at', 'Created At'),

Now when you re-fresh your page, you should be able to see the columns with their values.

Making columns sortable, searchable and transforming data

Very easy, Just use sortable, searchable and transform methods on the column class.


protected function columns(): array 
    return [
        \LivewireTable\Table\Column::make('id', 'ID')->sortable(),
        \LivewireTable\Table\Column::make('name', 'Name')
            -onSearch(fn (Builder $builder, $value) => $builder->where('name', 'like', '%' . $value . '%' )),
        \LivewireTable\Table\Column::make('email', 'Email')
            -onFilter(fn (Builder $builder, $value) => $builder->where('email', 'like', '%' . $value . '%' )),

Warning For searchable and filterable methods, they should always have onSearch and onFilter methods present within the column. If they are not present, searching and filtering won't work.


  • \LivewireTable\Components\Table::class
    • public $perPage - Determines the number of rows shown per page
  • \LivewireTable\Table\Column::class
    • Properties
      • $key: Usually corresponds to the actual database column name
      • $label: UI heading for the database column
      • $searchable: Determines if the column is searchable
      • $sortable: Determines if the column is sortable
      • $filterable: Determines if the column is filterable
      • $transformClosure: Action Class name or closure that transforms the data
      • $searchClosure: Action Class name or closure that handles search results
      • $filterClosure: Similar to searchClosure, only difference is it handles filters
    • Methods
      • public function searchable(bool $value = true): static: Sets the $searchable property
      • public function sortable(bool $value = true): static: Sets the $sortable property
      • public function filterable(bool $value = true): static: Sets the $filterable property
      • public function transform($row): string: Transforms the given row with the transformation closure
      • public function onSearch(callable|string $action): static: Sets $searchClosure property
      • public function onFilter(callable|string $action): static: Sets $filtetrClosure property
      • public function onTransform(callable|string $action): static: Sets $transformClosure property