
v1.0.2 2014-09-22 11:03 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 10:51:07 UTC


This library allows you to more easily comunicate with the Woopra API

##Installing via Composer

The recommended way to install Woopra SDK is through Composer.

# Install Composer
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php

# Add Woopra as a dependency

composer require aamortimer/woopra:dev-master

After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

#Helpers Started adding some helper functions to make it easier to get at the data quickly.

// setup namespace
use aamortimer\Woopra\Woopra;

// get all the labels that have been setup
Woopra::getAllLabels(array('app-id'=>'', 'secret-key'=>'', 'website'=>''), function($labels){

// you can also return data from the function rather then using a callback
$labels = Woopra::getAllLabels(array('app-id'=>'', 'secret-key'=>'', 'website'=>''));

// get all user labels
// search parameter should be an email address or session id
Woopra::getUserLabels(array('app-id'=>'', 'secret-key'=>'', 'website'=>'', 'search'=>''), function($labels){

// you can also return data from the function rather then using a callback
$labels = Woopra::getUserLabels(array('app-id'=>'', 'secret-key'=>'', 'website'=>'', 'search'=>''));

#Search API All methods of the search API are supported to see further details and the options available visit (https://www.woopra.com/docs/developer/search-api/)

// setup namespace
use aamortimer\Woopra\Search;

// set up the search class
$search = new Search(array(
  'app-id' => 'YOUR APP ID HERE',
  'secret-key' => 'YOUR SECRET KEY HERE'

// user data
$website = 'example.com';

// search all data for domain
$rsp = $search->search(array(

// search by name
$rsp = $search->search(array(
  'search'=>'Bob Marley'

// look up a profile
$rsp = $search->profile(array(

// profile visits
$rsp = $search->profileVisits(array(
  'start_day'=>date('Y-m-d', strtotime('- 10 days')),

// edit profile data
$rsp = $search->profileEdit(array(
  'data'=>'{"name":"john smith", "age": 33}'

// online count
$rsp = $search->onlineCount(array(

#Labels API Only the list methods of the labels API is supported to see further details and the options available visit (https://www.woopra.com/docs/developer/labels-api/)

// setup namespace
use aamortimer\Woopra\userData;

// set up the search class
$labels = new UserData(array(
  'app-id' => 'YOUR APP ID HERE',
  'secret-key' => 'YOUR SECRET KEY HERE'

$rsp = $labels->show(array(

#Analytics API All methods of the analytics API are supported to see further details and the options available visit (https://www.woopra.com/docs/developer/analytics-api/)

// setup namespace
use aamortimer\Woopra\Analytics;

// set up the search class
$analytics = new Analytics(array(
  'app-id' => 'YOUR APP ID HERE',
  'secret-key' => 'YOUR SECRET KEY HERE'

// get report
$report = [
    array('key'=>'time', 'scope'=>'visits')
    array('name'=>'People', 'method'=>'count', 'scope'=>'visitors'),
    array('name'=>'Actions', 'method'=>'count', 'scope'=>'actions')

  'website' => 'example.com',
  'report' => $report,
  'start_day'=>date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 Day')),