
dev-master 2021-11-23 16:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-26 20:53:25 UTC


Twitter API library which retreives a limited amount of tweets, answers and retweets from a given user twitter account.

The data retreived is stored in wp_options as a serializez string data.

Data is updated every 5 minutes but the time the data is updated can be changed. It is not recommended to set update data to 0 because Twitter has restrictions about API abusive call rates.

This is a static class therefore does not have to be instantiated.

User Twitter APP data can be set in Admin menu -> Appaerance -> Theme settings.

How to use

  • In extras.php add the following line of code :

  • Log in into your project's admin panel. Then open Appareance -> Theme settings in the lef menu.

  • Open the Twitter API tab. Fill the form with the client Twitter APP data. In order to get all the tokens and consumer key you need to make the class work you will need to create a Twitter APP using the client Twitter account.

  • You can also set the Number of Tweets you want to retrieve and how ofter the cache is cleared. Twitter API has a limit in the number of request you can perform per day.

  • Default number of Tweets retrieved per request is 5.

  • Save the form.

  • Call static method return_html to get an ul HTML element which contains all the Twitter data. This method accpets parameters. Check usage_example.php for further information.

      //exmaple - $twitter_data contains <ul><li>Tweet 1</li<li>Tweet 2</li></ul>
      $twitter_data = Twitter::return_html();
      echo $twitter_data;
  • Call static method check_twitter_data() to retrieve an object which contains the twitter data.

      //example - $twitter_data contains an php objectstdClass
      $twitter_data = Twitter::check_twitter_data();
  • Modify the attribute $minutes_after_call in method check_retrieve_form_api() to change the time passed since last API call.

  • Modify the attribute $request key count in method return_tweet to change the number of tweets retreived

Check file **usage_example.php** located in this repository for a full working example.