
lightweight package for wordpress theme/plugin developer

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

v1.0.1 2018-07-19 20:32 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-04-02 15:24:47 UTC



wp_stem is lightweight package for wordpress theme/plugin developer. With this package you can:

  • enqueue scripts
  • create post type or add fields to it
  • modify post type meta


composer require 8webit/wp_stem


functions.php file

use _8webit\wp_stem\Stem;


PostType Class

PostType::create($post_type_slug, $options)

  • $post_type_slug (string) (required)

  • $options(array) (optional) - same values as register_post_type() $args parameter.

  • extend_defaults(boolean) (optional)

creates post type.

Example of creating post type



  • $options(array) - meta_box has same parameters as add_meta_box(),but note that add_meta_box() has callback required, but in wp_stem it isn't.

Note:: Pay Attention To function chaining order.

Example of creating meta box

PostType::create('your_post_type_slug)->meta_box(array(//minimal paramters
    'id'        => 'your_id',   //required
    'title'    => 'your_title' // required


  • $field
    • id (int) (optional) - auto generated id will be field_name_id
    • name (string) (required)
    • label (string) (required)
    • value (string) (optional)- default value for field
    • type (string) (required) - HTML5 input types, textarea, wp_media, color(spectrum color picker) or font(google fonts picker).
    • cloneable (boolean) (optional)
    • Any HTML Attribute

adds field to post type.function chaining is important here. must used after PostType::add() or PostType::create() function.see example below.

Note: to add field to post type you must create meta box first.to create meta box use meta_box() function.

finally add field

PostType::create('your_post_type_slug')-> meta_box(array(
    'id'        => 'your_id',
    'title'    => 'your_title'
    'id'        => 'your_field_id',
    'name'      => 'your_field_name',
    'label'     => 'your field label',
    'value'     => 'your_field_default_value',
    'type'      => 'your_field_type'
    'cloneable' => true

Note: when $field 'type' parameter equals to 'color', spectrum color picker will be used(not html5 color picker).

Add Single Cloneable Field

to add single cloneable field use PostType::field() and pass 'cloneable' => true ,as shown in example


  • $group (array)
    • group_id (int)(required) - id of the field group.used for retrieve field meta values
    • fields (array)(required) - same arguments as PostType::field()
    • options (array)(optional)
      • title (string) - title of the cloneable meta box
      • add_button (string) - add (clone) button label
      • remove_button (string) - remove (clone) button label

Adds group cloneable field to meta box

Example of adding group cloneable field

PostType::create('your_post_type_slug')-> meta_box(array(
        'id'        => 'your_id',
        'title'    => 'your_title'
        'fields' => array($field1,$field2,$field3 ...),
        'options => array(
            'title' => 'title of meta box group',
            'add_button' => 'add button label',
            'remove_button' => 'remove button label'



  • $arg (int | string) - post type id, post type slug or template name ('template-example.php')

adds field by (Already Created) post type,post id or page template

for example,lets add field to post:

PostType::add('post')-> meta_box(array(
    'id'        => 'your_id',
    'title'    => 'your_title'
    'id'        => 'your_field_id',            // required
    'name'      => 'your_field_name',          // required
    'label'     => 'your_field_label',         // required
    'value'     => 'your_field_default_value', // required
    'type'      => 'your_field_type'           // required
    'cloneable' => 'is_cloneable_field'        // optional

Autocomplete field by slug

for autcomplete action jquery autocomplete is used.

What to autocomplete happens based on html class,so if you want to field was autcompleted by users slug add 'class'=> 'autocomplete-user' as shown in example.another class is 'autocomplete-page'

Example of users autocomplition

        'name'  => 'author_search',
        'label' => 'Select Author',
        'type'  => 'text',
        'placeholder' => 'Search Author By Username...',
        'class' => 'autocomplete-user'

Meta Class

Meta::sync($post_id, $meta_key, $new_value = "", $old_value = "")

  • $post_id (int) (required)
  • $meta_key (string) (required)
  • $new_value (string) (optional)
  • $old_value (string) (optional)

create,delete or update post type with one function

example of updating value:

$old_value = Meta::get('lorem_ipsum');
$new_value = $_POST['lorem_ipsum'];

Meta::sync(get_the_ID(), 'lorem_ipsum', $new_value, $old_value);

Meta::get($meta_key, $post_id = '', $single = true)

  • $meta_key (string) (required)
  • $post_id (int) (optional)
  • $single (int) (optional)

since 1.0.1 html is automatically escaped.

get post meta without pass post id.if $post_id not passed get_the_ID() function will be used to retrieve current id

Enqueue Script Class

Enqueue_Script Class Responsible for load scripts and style in user or admin pages.

script should locate in $your_theme_dir/assets/js

styles should locate in $your_theme_dir/assets/css

Enqueue_Script::enqueue($filename, $src = '', $in_footer = false, $deps = array(), $ver = false)

  • $filename (string) (required) - filename with its extension.example: myscript.js (not just myscript)
  • $src (string) (optional) - path relative to theme folder. if not provided default file structure pattern("assets/[file_type]/[file_name].[file_type]") will be used.
  • $in_footer (Bollean) (optional)
  • $deps (array) (optional) - filenames of dependecies
  • $ver (array) (optional)

Enqueue script or style by filename with its extension for user pages. if src not provided default file structure pattern("assets/[file_type]/[file_name].[file_type]") will be used. uses same parameters as wp_enqueue_script() or wp_enqueue_style().


file structure

|   |---js
|   |   |   myscript.js
|   |
|   |---css
|       |   mystyle.css
|   |---lorem_ipsum
|   |   |   vendor.js

*  *  *  *

|--- other folder and files

    Enqueue_Script::enqueue('vendor.js', 'acme_vendor_script/lorem_ispum');

Enqueue_Script::admin_enqueue($filename, $src = '', $in_footer = false, $deps = array(), $ver = false)

for parameters see Enqueue_Script::enqueue()

loads scripts in admin pages

Enqueue_Script::admin_specific($wp_screen_ids = array())

  • $wp_screen_ids (array) (required)

Note: only works when used in chaining or will be hooked to last enqueud script

admin_specifc only loads enqueued scripts for admin in given view


// Or



  • $pattern (string) (required) - theme root relative file pattern. see glob()

returns single or multiplay full file path with given pattern. Useful when you need load hashed script or style


file structure

|   |---lorem_ipsum
|   |   |   as8du9asud982381.bundle.js

*  *  *  *

|--- other folder and files
$uri = Enqueue_Script::uri('acme_vendor_script/lorem_ipsum/*.bundle.js');

echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="'. $uri .'"></script>';

Copyright (C) 2018 8webit.com

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see licenses.