
SmsTraffic Notification Channel for laravel.

v0.3.2 2019-12-17 16:54 UTC



Based on Laravel Nexmo Notification Channel.

Official Documentation

See documentation for Laravel Nexmo Notification Channel on the Laravel website.

Configuration options

You will need to add a few configuration options to your config/services.php configuration file. You may copy the example configuration below to get started:

'smstraffic' => [
    'login' => env('SMSTRAFFIC_LOGIN'),
    'password' => env('SMSTRAFFIC_PASSWORD'),
    'sms_from' => env('SMSTRAFFIC_SMS_FROM'),

The sms_from option is the phone number that your SMS messages will be sent from. You should use a phone number from your SmsTraffic control panel.

For testing purposes you may want to change the URL that smstraffic-client makes requests to from https://api.smstraffic.ru/multi.php to something else. You can do this by providing a url option.

'smstraffic' => [
    'url' => env('SMSTRAFFIC_URL'),

SmsTrafficMessage attributes

SmsTrafficMessage has additional attributes:

  • from attribute allows you to override the sms_from configuration option;
  • to attribute allows you to override the recipient phone number;
  • type attribute allows you to set the type of the message; this is useful if you plan to distinguish between messages in your app later.


Laravel SmsTraffic Notification Channel is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.