3li3bdalla / tafqeet
convert numbers into arabic words
2021-12-27 14:23 UTC
😎 What Is Tafqeet
Tafqeet is php script that help you to integrate payments and receipts document inside your project by convert amout into arabic words , it help you to add this words to any thing you want
⬇️ Installtion
very easy just use composer to get it
$ composer require 3li3bdalla/tafqeet
now everything is ready to work
🔨 Uses
<?php use AliAbdalla\Tafqeet\Core\Tafqeet; $arablic = Tafqeet::arablic(900000.34); echo $arablic;
you should get result like that
فقط تسعمائة ألف ريال و أربعة و ثلاثون هللة لاغير
also you can specify currency in socend param defult is sar
Tafqeet::arablic(30, 'usd');
here we spacify the currency you can put any other currecnry as you want like sdg
also you can add new currency
just open src/core/Tafqeet.php
you will see this code
public $config = [ 'connection_tool' => ' و', 'default_currency' => 'sar', 'starter'=>'فقط', 'end'=>'لاغير', 'currencies' => [ 'sar' => [ 'main1'=>'ريال', 'main2'=>'ريالاً', 'single'=>'هللة', 'multi'=>'هللات' ], 'sdg' => [ 'main1'=>'قرش', 'main2'=>'قرشاً', 'single'=>'قرش', 'multi'=>'قروش' ], 'usd' => [ 'main1'=>'دولار', 'main2'=>'دولاراً', 'single'=>'سنت', 'multi'=>'سنت' ], ], ];
add any currecny you want to currencies array
🧐 Note
this script work untill 999999.99