2checkoutv2 / 2checkout-php-sdk
2Checkout PHP SDK by Verifone
- php: >=5.6
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ^5 || ^9
This is the current 2Checkout PHP SDK providing developers with a simple set of bindings to the 2Checkout 6.0 REST API, IPN and Convert Plus Signature API.
To use, clone and require with composer or require the included autoloader.
require_once('/path/to/2checkout-php-library/autoloader.php'); use Tco\TwocheckoutFacade;
All the features present in this library are used through TwocheckoutFacade instance which can be initialized with a configuration array.
$config = array( 'sellerId' => YOUR_MERCHANT_CODE, // REQUIRED 'secretKey' => YOUR_SECRET_KEY, // REQUIRED 'buyLinkSecretWord' => YOUR_SECRET_WORD, 'jwtExpireTime' => 30, 'curlVerifySsl' => 1 ); $tco = new TwocheckoutFacade($config);
- > All the required params in the $config can be found in CPanel in Integrations -> Webhooks & API section
Using the Api Core directly
Call any 2Checkout REST 6.0 endpoint like below:
$result = $tco->apiCore()->call( '/orders/', $params, 'POST' );
Place order helper
You can also use the provided Order helper object.
Dynamic Product:
$dynamicOrderParams = array( 'Country' => 'US', 'Currency' => 'USD', 'CustomerIP' => '', 'ExternalReference' => 'CustOrd101', 'Language' => 'en', 'Source' => 'tcolib.local', 'BillingDetails' => array( 'Address1' => 'Street 1', 'City' => 'Cleveland', 'State' => 'Ohio', 'CountryCode' => 'US', 'Email' => 'testcustomer@2Checkout.com', 'FirstName' => 'John', 'LastName' => 'Doe', 'Zip' => '20034', ), 'Items' => array( 0 => array( 'Name' => 'Dynamic product2', 'Description' => 'Product 2', 'Quantity' => 3, //units 'IsDynamic' => true, 'Tangible' => false, 'PurchaseType' => 'PRODUCT', 'Price' => array( 'Amount' => 6, //value 'Type' => 'CUSTOM', ), ), 1 => array( 'Name' => 'Dynamic product', 'Description' => 'Test description', 'Quantity' => 4, 'IsDynamic' => true, 'Tangible' => false, 'PurchaseType' => 'PRODUCT', 'Price' => array( 'Amount' => 1, 'Type' => 'CUSTOM', ) ), ), 'PaymentDetails' => array( 'Type' => 'TEST', //'TEST' or 'EES_TOKEN_PAYMENT' 'Currency' => 'USD', 'CustomerIP' => '', 'PaymentMethod' => array( 'RecurringEnabled' => false, 'HolderNameTime' => 1, 'CardNumberTime' => 1, ), ), );
- We can get Order object by calling TwocheckoutFacade "order()" method:
$order = $tco->order();
- Order object has a method called "place" that generates a call to Api Core and returns a response:
$response = $order->place( $dynamicOrderParams );
- To validate the response you first need to check for "refno" key in response and then do a validation API call for that "refno". Example:
$orderData = $tco->order()->getOrder( array( 'RefNo' => $response['refNo'] ) );
Then validate "$orderData['Status']". For successfully placed payments this value is "AUTHRECEIVED" or "COMPLETE".
####2. Catalog Product
$orderCatalogProductParams = array( 'Country' => 'br', 'Currency' => 'brl', 'CustomerIP' => '', 'ExternalReference' => 'CustOrderCatProd100', 'Language' => 'en', 'BillingDetails' => array( 'Address1' => 'Test Address', 'City' => 'LA', 'CountryCode' => 'BR', 'Email' => 'customer@2Checkout.com', 'FirstName' => 'Customer', 'FiscalCode' => '056.027.963-98', 'LastName' => '2Checkout', 'Phone' => '556133127400', 'State' => 'DF', 'Zip' => '70403-900', ), 'Items' => array( 0 => array( 'Code' => 'E377076E6A_COPY1', //Get the code from CPANEL at Setup->Products->Code column 'Quantity' => '1', ), ), 'PaymentDetails' => array( 'Type' => 'TEST', 'Currency' => 'USD', 'CustomerIP' => '', 'PaymentMethod' => array( 'CCID' => '123', 'CardNumber' => '4111111111111111', 'CardNumberTime' => '12', 'CardType' => 'VISA', 'ExpirationMonth' => '12', 'ExpirationYear' => '2023', 'HolderName' => 'John Doe', 'HolderNameTime' => '12', 'RecurringEnabled' => true, 'Vendor3DSReturnURL' => 'www.test.com', 'Vendor3DSCancelURL' => 'www.test.com', ), ), );
The rest of the flow is identical as for placing orders with dynamic products.
Subscriptions helper
- For a payment to be recurring (generate a subscription) one needs to add to "item" (product) array structure the "RecurringOptions" field set.
An example of how this option can be configured:
'RecurringOptions' => array( 'CycleLength' => 1, 'CycleUnit' => 'MONTH', 'CycleAmount' => 3, 'ContractLength' => 3, 'ContractUnit' => 'Year', ),
An example of an item having recurring option:
'Items' => array( 0 => array( 'Name' => 'Dynamic product', 'Description' => 'Product Description test', 'Quantity' => 3, //units 'IsDynamic' => true, 'Tangible' => false, 'PurchaseType' => 'PRODUCT', 'Price' => array( 'Amount' => 6, //amount in currency units 'Type' => 'CUSTOM', ), //Dynamic product subscription. 'RecurringOptions' => array( 'CycleLength' => 1, //The length of the recurring billing cycle. 'CycleUnit' => 'MONTH', //Unit of measuring billing cycles (years, months). 'CycleAmount' => 3, //The amount to be billed on each renewal. 'ContractLength' => 3, //The contact length for which the recurring option will apply. 'ContractUnit' => 'Year', //Unit of measuring contact length (years, months). ) ) )
Retrieving the subscriptions of a payment order using an order number.
- In the following example we will get an array of all the subscriptions on an item:
/** * This will return the following array data: * return an array having this structure: * array( * 'item_code' => array( * 0 => 'subscription1_code', * 1=> 'Subscription2_code' * ) * ) **/ $productsRefWithSubscriptionRefArray = $tco->subscription()->getSubscriptionsByOrderRefNo( $orderData['RefNo'] );
- We can pick a subscription reference using the index it has in the retrieved array and then retrieve subscription details as in the following example:
$subscriptionSearch['SubscriptionReference'] = reset($productsRefWithSubscriptionRefArray)[0]; $subscriptionData = $tco->subscription()->searchSubscriptions($subscriptionSearch);
For more parameters by which subscriptions can be searched, check the API documentation Here, and also check the Subscription class Subscription
Buy link signature generation
- To generate a buy link signature, create an array with the following structure (Details Here)
$buyLinkParameters = array ( 'address' => 'Street 1', 'city' => 'Cleveland', 'country' => 'US', 'name' => 'John Doe', 'phone' => '0018143519403', 'zip' => '20034', 'email' => 'testcustomer@2Checkout.com', 'company-name' => 'Verifone', 'state' => 'Ohio', 'ship-name' => 'John Doe', 'ship-address' => 'Street 1', 'ship-city' => 'Cleveland', 'ship-country' => 'US', 'ship-email' => 'testcustomer@2Checkout.com', 'ship-state' => 'Ohio', 'prod' => 'Colored Pencil', 'price' => 2, 'qty' => 1, 'type' => 'PRODUCT', 'tangible' => 0, // int 0 or 1 'src' => 'phpLibrary', 'return-url' => 'http://tcolib.local/Examples/Controllers/BuyLink/paymentCallback.php', 'return-type' => 'redirect', 'expiration' => 1617117946, // this is a dynamic unixtimestamp value 'order-ext-ref' => 'CustOrd101', 'item-ext-ref' => '20210330102546', 'customer-ext-ref' => 'testcustomer@2Checkout.com', 'currency' => 'usd', 'language' => 'en', 'test' => 1, //int (0 or 1) 'merchant' => '', //one needs a valid merchant id 'dynamic' => 1, //always int (0 or 1) 'recurrence' => '1:MONTH', 'duration' => '12:MONTH', 'renewal-price' => 2, ); $buyLinkSignature = $tco->getBuyLinkSignature($buyLinkParameters); $buyLinkParameters['signature'] = $buyLinkSignature; $redirectTo = 'https://secure.2checkout.com/checkout/buy/?' . ( http_build_query( $buyLinkParameters ) ); //Now one can just redirect to the generated url.
##Refunds Full refunds can be initiated using the library. Details about 2Checkout refunds Here
$orderData = $tco->order()->getOrder( array( 'RefNo' => $this->lastRefNo ) ); //validate if requested order is valid // Constructing FULL Refund Details $refundData = array( 'RefNo' => $orderData['RefNo'], //Required 'refundParams' => array( "amount" => $orderData["GrossPrice"], //Required "comment" => 'REFUND Example', "reason" => 'Other' //Required, default reason is "Other" ) ); $response = $tco->order()->issueRefund( $refundData );
Processing IPNs (Instant Payment Notification)
IPNs are webhooks from 2Checkout which can be used to update payment statuses asynchronously. Instant Payment Notification (IPN) works as a message service generating automatic order/transaction notifications for your 2Checkout account. Use the notifications to process order data into your own management systems by synchronizing it with 2Checkout account events.
More details Here
####1. Validate Ipn Hash:
$params = $_POST; if ( ! isset( $params['REFNOEXT'] ) && ( ! isset( $params['REFNO'] ) && empty( $params['REFNO'] ) ) ) { throw new TcoException( 'Cannot identify order in Ipn request.' ); } $validIpn = $tco->validateIpnResponse($params);
####2. Generate Ipn response:
$responseToken = $tco->generateIpnResponse($params); echo $responseToken;
The library will throw a TcoException
if an error response is returned. Here are some of the most known & encountered exceptions:
#####When one has a curl exception
- 'Exception ApiCore response: ' + MESSAGE #####When BuyLink signature generator does not return the signature.
- 'Api response is missing Signature parameter: ' + MESSAGE #####The reason above + some reasons regarding configuration or JwtSignature generation
- 'Exception generating buy link signature: ' + MESSAGE #####When retrieving a subscription by order reference number
- 'Exception getting subscriptions by order RefNo.' #####When one or more subscription search parameter
- 'Exception! Some subscription search parameters are not accepted: ' + MESSAGE #####When some search parameters for order search are not accepted
- Exception! Some order search parameters are not accepted: ' + MESSAGE #####If refunds fail this exception is raised
- 'Error when placing refund request: ' + MESSAGE #####Missing Secret word value for Buy Link signature generation
- 'Buy link Secret Word is not set in Tco Config! First set it and then use it.' #####When TcoConfig receives not accepted parameters or sellerId && secretKey values are missing
- 'Some configuration keys are not accepted or not set!' #####Something went wrong when generating buy link signature in facade
- 'Exception getting buy link signature! Details: ' + MESSAGE #####When validating IPN request fails
- 'Cannot validate Ipn Request. Details:' + MESSAGE #####When generating IPN response fails
- 'Cannot generate Ipn Response. Details:' + MESSAGE