Packages from 1of0

  • 1of0/better-annotations

    Wrapper around the doctrine/annotations that tries to be less verbose

  • 1of0/curly

    cURL wrapper

  • 1of0/ip-utils

    A couple of simple wrapper classes / utilities to make handling of IP addresses and subnets easier

  • 1of0/json

    Abstraction layer for json_encode() and json_decode(), providing Json.NET-like functionality through annotations or mappings

  • 1of0/league-route

    A league/route fork that does not force the league/container dependency

  • 1of0/mime-resolver

    Resolves MIME types from file extensions and vice versa

  • 1of0/phpdoc-reader

    PhpDocReader parses @var and @param values in PHP docblocks (supports namespaced class names with the same resolution rules as PHP)

  • 1of0/streams

    Simple stream wrapper library