
Extension for yii2. Return json with db request analyse from yii2 debug.

dev-master 2018-12-06 22:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-18 04:56:38 UTC


You can analyze you queries in yii2 by using debug module. But if you have a lot of urls for testing, this library will help you to do it automatically.

For testing your pages do the next things:

1 Activate yii2 debug module see here. To check it for working go to the next url


2 Add next parameters to configuration

'controllerMap' => [
    'apis' => 'oneGit\yii2DebugApiAnalyser\base\controllers\ApisController',

Example of backend/config/main-local.php

return [
    'modules' => [
        'debug' => [
            'class' => 'yii\debug\Module',
            'allowedIPs' => ['*'],
            'controllerMap' => [
                'apis' => 'oneGit\yii2DebugApiAnalyser\base\controllers\ApisController',

2 Install phpunit and create your test folder with working simple tests. If you don't have it- find in the internet

3 Add next 3 files:

3.1 Create UrlHandler.php with your namespace and urls in function (see [[YOUR DOMAIN]] bellow)


namespace tests\phpunit\apitest;

use oneGit\yii2DebugApiAnalyser\base\UrlBaseHandler;

 * Class UrlHandler
 * @package tests\phpunit\apitest
class UrlHandler extends UrlBaseHandler
     * @inheritdoc
    public function getApiUrl(string $path): string
        return "http://api.[[YOUR DOMAIN]]/{$path}";

     * @inheritdoc
    public function getTestStatUrl(string $path): string
        return "http://admin.[[YOUR DOMAIN]]/debug/apis/test?path={$path}";

     * @inheritdoc
    public function getDebugUrl(string $tag): string
        return "http://admin.[[YOUR DOMAIN]]/debug/default/view?tag={$tag}&panel=db";

3.2 Create test file ApiTest.php with your namespace


namespace tests\phpunit\apitest;

use oneGit\yii2DebugApiAnalyser\base\ApiTest as BaseApiTest;

 * Class ApiTest
 * @package tests\phpunit\apitest
class ApiTest extends BaseApiTest
     * @inheritdoc
    public static function setUpBeforeClass()
        self::$urlHandler = new UrlHandler();
     * @inheritdoc
    public function urlDataProvider(): array
        return (new ListHandler)->getList();

3.3 Create the file ListHandler.php (or other name) with your namespace and your paths (see [[YOUR PAGES]] bellow)


namespace tests\phpunit\apictest;

use oneGit\yii2DebugApiAnalyser\base\UrlBaseObject;

 * Class ListHandler
 * @package tests\phpunit\apictest
class ListHandler extends UrlBaseObject
     * @inheritdoc
    public function getList(): array
        return [
            //[[YOUR PAGES]],

Alalyze constants in the class *UrlBaseObject that you extend. You can configure the tests by changing the constants in the child class ListHandler. UrlBaseObject has such Constants:


4 Run phpuit test using command phpunit

5 Analyze the result (here is the main indicators)


6 If you have more than 50 urls for testing add next row to debug settings

  'historySize' => [[number, no les than number of urls]] //(default value- 50)

Example of settings

return [
    'modules' => [
        'debug' => [
            'class' => 'yii\debug\Module**UrlBaseObject*',
            'controllerMap' => [
                'apis' => 'oneGit\yii2DebugApiAnalyser\base\controllers\ApisController',
            'historySize' => 100,

It is important in case, when you want to open debug page with query info using the link in error message of phpunit. Debug module by default save only 50 latest pages. If your test have 100 pages and error at 25th page happens- you won't see info page in debug module. In than case you can see only pages from 51th till 100th. So modify the parameter historySize for saving more number of pages