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    Dodatkowe pola opisowe kategorii

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    Flysystem adapter for the IPFS API

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    # Introduction TzKT Explorer provides free REST API and WebSocket API for accessing detailed Tezos blockchain data and helps developers build more services and applications on top of Tezos. TzKT is an open-source project, so you can easily clone and build it and use it as a self-hosted service to avoid any risks of depending on third-party services. TzKT API is available for the following Tezos networks with the following base URLs: - Mainnet: `https://api.tzkt.io/` or `https://api.mainnet.tzkt.io/` ([view docs](https://api.tzkt.io)) - Ghostnet: `https://api.ghostnet.tzkt.io/` ([view docs](https://api.ghostnet.tzkt.io)) - Mumbainet: `https://api.mumbainet.tzkt.io/` ([view docs](https://api.mumbainet.tzkt.io)) - Nairobinet: `https://api.nairobinet.tzkt.io/` ([view docs](https://api.nairobinet.tzkt.io)) We also provide a staging environment for testing newest features and pre-updating client applications before deploying to production: - Mainnet staging: `https://staging.api.tzkt.io/` or `https://staging.api.mainnet.tzkt.io/` ([view docs](https://staging.api.tzkt.io)) Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or feature requests. Your feedback really helps us make TzKT better! - Discord: https://discord.gg/aG8XKuwsQd - Telegram: https://t.me/baking_bad_chat - Slack: https://tezos-dev.slack.com/archives/CV5NX7F2L - Twitter: https://twitter.com/TezosBakingBad - Email: hello@bakingbad.dev And don't forget to star TzKT project [on GitHub](https://github.com/baking-bad/tzkt) ;) # Terms of Use TzKT API is free for everyone and for both commercial and non-commercial usage. If your application or service uses the TzKT API in any forms: directly on frontend or indirectly on backend, you must mention that fact on your website or application by placing the label **"Powered by TzKT API"** or **"Built with TzKT API"** with a direct link to [tzkt.io](https://tzkt.io). # Rate Limits There will be no rate limits as long as our servers can handle the load without additional infrastructure costs. However, any apparent abuse will be prevented by setting targeted rate limits. Check out [Tezos Explorer API Best Practices](https://baking-bad.org/blog/tag/TzKT/) and in particular [how to optimize requests count](https://baking-bad.org/blog/2020/07/29/tezos-explorer-api-tzkt-how-often-to-make-requests/). ---

  • PHP


    Yii2 asset manager that hashes based on application version instead of mtime. Useful for load balanced sites.


  • PHP


    The Pinge PHP SDK.