
Silex Scaffolding


Latest Stable Version License SensioLabsInsight

  • Just a simple scaffolding project to Silex MicroFramework.
  • contribute with this project!

Creating a new Project

The package is available on Packagist. The source files is PSR-2 compatible. Autoloading is PSR-4 compatible.

composer create-project cekurte/silex-scaffolding path/


The directory structure is the following:

  • app/: this directory contains one file that permit you to run your app in console mode;
  • bin/: it stores the files that run with the git hooks;
  • build/: used by phpunit to build a report of source code coverage (see the phpunit.xml.dist);
  • config/: this directory contains the configuration files of your all service providers. And contains too the app.php and app.console.php this files are used to create a new Silex Application and register your providers;
  • public/: it is your public folder (in other installations, this directory can be called as htdocs, www, and more);
  • src/: Your must put your source files here, by default only one namespace was created called App (see the composer.json file to register other namespaces);
  • storage/: it stores the log, cache, doctrine (migrations and proxies) and internationalization files;
  • test/: in this directory you must put your php unit test files, by default only namespace was created called App\Test (see the composer.json file to register other namespaces);
  • vendor/: used by composer to manage the dependencies of your project;

This project use of environment variables to setup the service providers, then, before of all you must copy the content of .env.example, create a file called .env, paste the content copied and adjust the values of variables.

This project is compatible with PHP built-in server, to start the server you must run the following command:

php -S -t public/ public/index.php

Thanks guys! If you liked of this library, give me a star and contribute with this project =).


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Make your changes
  4. Run the tests, adding new ones for your own code if necessary (vendor/bin/phpunit)
  5. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  6. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  7. Create new Pull Request