This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the ycloudyusa/yusaopeny package instead.

Open Y distribution

Installs: 56 895

Dependents: 13

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 47

Watchers: 25

Forks: 108

Open Issues: 72

Type:drupal-profile 2022-04-26 10:29 UTC


Open Y on Drupal 9

An open source platform for YMCAs, by YMCAs built on Drupal, ReactJS, Vue.js and others.

This code distribution is minimally maintained while primary code development transitions to Y USA. For more details visit and

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The Open Y platform is a content management system that uses Drupal 9 functionality and useful modules from YMCAs and digital partners. It’s easy and free to use — everyone is welcome to implement Open Y and run Open Y projects.


You can always evaluate distribution by visiting demo website - To get admin credentials to the sandbox - please visit page for details.

Open Y Sandbox

* Open Y version 1.3.



Installation of Open Y

We are using composer for initiating new project tree.

Development version of Open Y on Drupal 9

composer create-project ymcatwincities/openy-project:dev-9.2.x-development OPENY --no-interaction

Stable version of Open Y on Drupal 9

composer create-project ymcatwincities/openy-project OPENY --no-interaction

In order to properly install Open Y Distribution, we have separate composer project - openy-project. Please read detailed installation instructions here.


For development environment please read documentation openy-project.

Other development information you can find at docs/Development.
