
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Perform additional actions after registration of a new member in the RSC web system.

dev-master / 1.0.x-dev 2019-10-22 14:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-14 20:18:35 UTC


Latest Version on Packagist Installations via composer per month Installations via composer total

Contao Extension: RscMemberSubmissionPostProcessor

Perform additional actions after registration of a new member in the RSC web system.


Install the extension via composer: rsclg/member-submission-post-processor.

If you prefer to install it manually, download the latest release here:

Database modification

Execute the following database script to ensure Contao to Roundcube connection:

-- add the member number as new column, to get an reference value
ALTER TABLE rcb_contacts ADD rsc_member_number INT( 4 ) UNSIGNED;
UPDATE rcb_contacts SET rsc_member_number = (SELECT xt_club_membernumber FROM tl_member WHERE = CONCAT(tl_member.firstname, " ", tl_member.lastname));

-- add view that are expected from contao
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW rcb2cto_contactgroups (id, name, tstamp) AS SELECT contactgroup_id, name, changed FROM rcb_contactgroups;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW rcb2cto_contacts (id, tstamp, name, firstname, lastname, email, member_number, user_id) AS SELECT contact_id, changed, name, firstname, surname, email, rsc_member_number, user_id FROM rcb_contacts WHERE del = 0;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW rcb2cto_users (id, name, tstamp) AS SELECT user_id, username, created FROM rcb_users;



  • min. Contao version: >= 3.3.0
  • max. Contao version: < 3.6.0


This extension is dependent on the following extensions: