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This is the source code for the NS8 extension for Magento 2. Most users can automatically install NS8 through the Magento Marketplace. However, if you are a developer or admin user and would like to manually install NS8 on your Magento 2 instance, you can follow the steps below.


The system requirements to use NS8 with Magento are:

  • Magento version 2.3.* (all 2.3 versions are supported)
  • PHP 7.1+

Additionally, you must configure all of Magento’s background task operations to run automatically.

Manual Install

  1. SSH to the Magento server and navigate to the root path of your Magento install, which is frequently located in /var/www/html, and run the following commands:
  2. $ composer require ns8/protect-magento
  3. $ sudo bin/magento setup:upgrade
  4. $ sudo bin/magento cache:clean
  5. $ sudo bin/magento cache:enable
  6. $ sudo bin/magento module:status
  7. After running the commands outlined in steps two through six, you can access NS8 through your Magento instance.


For more information about NS8, see our License or visit us at ns8.com.