
2.0.1 2024-04-24 09:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-30 07:38:01 UTC


This package adds alternative behaviour to octane server for dev and prod usage.
Dev: server process continue work even if syntax error appears in code.
Prod: you can start swoole master process directly, without artisan command, which consumes some memory.


Install package

composer require ensi/octane-swoole-urgent-starter

and add this section to config/octane.php file

'swoole' => [
    'command' => '/var/www/vendor/bin/urgent-swoole-server',
    'show_fatal_error' => env('OCTANE_SHOW_FATAL_ERROR', false),



Just start octane server with swoole backend and --watch option, and see how it reloads after very fatal errors.
If you want to see error message in http response, set true to OCTANE_SHOW_FATAL_ERROR environment variable.


Originally, octane:start command makes server state file and then starts swoole process as child.
Now you can to separate this to two steps.
First: use octane:dump-server-state command for saving server state file.
Second: start swoole process, without any useless parent.

php artisan octane:dump-server-state --host= --port=8000 --workers=20

export APP_ENV=production
export APP_BASE_PATH=/var/www

php ./vendor/bin/swoole-server /var/www/storage/logs/octane-server-state.json

When service works in ELC workspace

Old elc workspace template uses hack for reloading code without container restarts. You should to replace last artisan command in templates/swoole-X.X/php/entrypoint to this

OCTANE_SHOW_FATAL_ERROR=true php artisan octane:swoole --watch --host= --workers=1 --task-workers=1 || sleep 3600


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