
My personal configuration for PHPStan

2.5.0 2024-03-12 18:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-06 15:43:46 UTC


Coverage Maintainability CGL Tests Supported PHP Versions

This package contains basic PHPStan config for use in my personal projects. It is not meant to be used anywhere else. I won't provide support and don't accept pull requests for this repo.

🔥 Installation

Packagist Packagist Downloads

composer require eliashaeussler/phpstan-config

⚡ Usage

With extension installer

If you have the phpstan/extension-installer package installed, there's nothing more to do. The base configuration is automatically included.

Manual include

Create a phpstan.neon file and include the phpstan.neon.dist file:

# phpstan.neon

  - %rootDir%/../../eliashaeussler/phpstan-config/phpstan.neon.dist


The package provides a PHP configuration API for PHPStan. Add this to your phpstan.php file:

# phpstan.php

use EliasHaeussler\PHPStanConfig;

$config = PHPStanConfig\Config\Config::create(__DIR__)->in(

// Exclude specific paths

// Configure rule level

// Enable bleeding edge

// Include baseline file

// Include additional config files

// Define bootstrap files

// Define stub files

// Override cache path

// Ignore errors
$config->ignoreError('Access to constant EXTENSIONS on an unknown class PHPStan\ExtensionInstaller\GeneratedConfig.');
$config->ignoreError('#^Access to constant EXTENSIONS on an unknown class .+\\.$#');

// Configure unmatched error reporting

// Define error formatter

// Treat phpdoc types as certain

// Include Doctrine set
$doctrineSet = PHPStanConfig\Set\DoctrineSet::create()

// Include Symfony set
$symfonySet = PHPStanConfig\Set\SymfonySet::create()

// Include TYPO3 set
$typo3Set = PHPStanConfig\Set\TYPO3Set::create()
    ->withCustomAspect('myCustomAspect', \FlowdGmbh\MyProject\Context\MyCustomAspect::class)
    ->withCustomRequestAttribute('myAttribute', \FlowdGmbh\MyProject\Http\MyAttribute::class)
    ->withCustomSiteAttribute('myArrayAttribute', 'array');

// Set custom parameters
$config->parameters->set('tipsOfTheDay', false);

return $config->toArray();

⭐ License

This project is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0 (or later).