
0.3.0 2016-05-31 11:18 UTC

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Last update: 2024-04-24 22:28:20 UTC


Phase router component

Build Status Coverage

Phase\Router component is lightweigth wraped for Rapid Application development (RAD) and fast setup for REST API.

##Getting started

composer require phase/router

##How to use

Firstly we need to initilize our object that will handle route creation.

$route = new Phase\Router\Route();

Create simple route as easy as:

$route->get("home", function() {});

in this situation function is callback and will be called when route is reached. Everything that router find in requested URI after wanted route, will be regarded as parameter ex:

Requested uri is /home/page

Router will look for /home route, it will find it, and page will be regarded as parameter, which can be picked up like this $route->get("home", function( $page ) {});

Note: $page parameter is for example purpose only, it can be any variable you want.

Defining controller

Defining controller with phase/router looks like this $route->controller("test", "TestController"). Lets assume that our TestController looks like in the example under:

use Phase\Router\Controller as BaseController;

class TestController extends BaseController {

    public function getIndex() {};

    public function postSave() {};


Since we defined our controller,reaching route /test/index will run getIndex method in our controller we defined, on the other side,reaching /test/save will give us 405 Method Not Allowed because we are trying to reach route through GET method, and its clearly stated in class that it can be reached through POST method.

Note: Reaching any route that route isn't defined before, will throw header with404 Not Found.



Router also provides possibility of grouping routes and controllers that will have same prefix.

$route->group(["prefix" => "admin"], function() use ($route) {

    $route->get("home", function() {});

    $route->controller("test", 'TestController');

All provided routes in group will be reachable prefixing them with provided prefix option.


Phase\Router also enables middlewares, be aware that every route created and isn't grouped will use default middleware of router Phase\Router\Http\Middleware. Defining middleware for group of routes is same like adding prefix.

$route->group(["middleware" => "Your\Middleware"], function() use ($route) {

    $route->get("home", function() {});

    $route->controller("test", 'TestController');

Also is possible to prefix them and use middleware for that prefixed group like this

$route->group(["prefix" => "admin", "middleware" => "Your\Middleware"], function() use ($route) {

    $route->get("home", function() {});

    $route->controller("test", 'TestController');

Now, lets take a look at Phase\Router\Http\Middleware

namespace Phase\Router\Http;

class Middleware extends Request {
    * Gateway from middleware to applications
    * Every route without middleware defaults to
    * this middleware handle
    * @return boolean
    public function handle() {
        return true;


Before entering application, router will enter handle method to see does it return true, if it does, then router allow request to pass further to application. Basically handle is gateway between request and application, all main middleware logic should be there.

Note: Your custom Middlewares should extend Phase\Router\Http\Middleware or implement Phase\Router\Http\MiddlewareInterface