
Empathy PHP Framework

v0.10.0 2022-06-19 21:17 UTC



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Welcome to the Empathy (micro MVC) PHP Framework project. The project has existed since 2008 and is geared towards allowing anyone to create PHP web applications, with following properties:

  • Strict MVC pattern
  • Modular compatible libraries
  • Lightweight
  • Fast
  • Extensible


See getting-started.md.


Empathy and officially released extension libraries are now distributed under an MIT license. See LICENSE.

Testing the code itself

If you want to run tests from a version of Empathy that has been checked out in base-docker connect to the app container first, change to the empathy vendor directory and run composer install:

docker exec -it -u www-data app /bin/bash
cd ./vendor/mikejw/empathy/
php ../../../composer.phar install --prefer-source

Within the 'Empathy Architype Application' config file (/eaa/config.yml), set: doc_root to the full location of the eaa directory, (which is used for dummy configuration) e.g:

doc_root: /var/www/project/vendor/mikejw/empathy/eaa

For the elibs plugin configuration (within /eaa/config.yml), set testing mode to 1. (This makes sure that the elibs repo containing Smarty can be found.) i.e:

    name: ELibs
    version: 1.0
    config: '{ "testing": 1 }'

Change to the t directory from the root of the empathy repo and run phpunit:

cd /var/www/project/vendor/mikejw/empathy/t
php ../vendor/bin/phpunit .