
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the bricev/jobqueue package instead.

JobQueue is a PHP component that queues `tasks` defining `jobs` which can be executed by asynchronous and/or distributed `workers`

v2.1.8 2018-05-30 14:55 UTC


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Simple Job/Queue PHP component to help applications distribute Tasks through multiple workers.


This package is installable and auto-loadable via Composer:

$ composer require bricev/jobqueue

The application proposes a webservice and two CLIs. Read bellow for more documentation.


  • PHP 7.1 must be installed
  • Redis must be installed (for queue data persistence)
  • the JOBQUEUE_ENV environment variable may be set as dev, prod (or any string, default if not set: dev)
  • the JOBQUEUE_REDIS_DSN environment variable must define the Redis DSN (eg. 'tcp://')


Defining a job

A job holds the code that will be executed for tasks by a worker.

Each job must be defined in a PHP class that implements the ExecutableJob interface:


use JobQueue\Domain\Job\ExecutableJob;
use JobQueue\Domain\Task\Task;
use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait;

final class DummyJob implements ExecutableJob
    use LoggerAwareTrait;

     * @param Task $task
    function setUp(Task $task)
        // This is called before the `perform()` method
        /** @todo prepare the job execution */

     * @param Task $task
    function perform(Task $task)
        /** @todo do the job! */

     * @param Task $task
    function tearDown(Task $task)
        // This is called after the `perform()` method
        /** @todo clean up after the job execution */

Note: ExecutableJob interface extends the LoggerAwareInterface that can be used to set a logger. This documentation provides more information about PSR-3 Log interfaces.

Tip: Package psr/log (repo) can be added to a composer project by running this command:

composer require psr/log

The \Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait can be used to easily add a logger setter and be compliant with the LoggerAwareInterface.

Defining a task

Creating a task requires the following elements:

  • a profile - it can be anything, it regroups tasks into queue partitions, so that the JobQueue worker app can consume tasks from one (only) profile
  • a job - which holds the code that has to be executed for the task
  • optional parameters that can be used by the job during its execution

To define a task in PHP:


use JobQueue\Domain\Task\Profile;
use JobQueue\Domain\Task\Task;
use JobQueue\Tests\Domain\Job\DummyJob;

$task = new Task(
    new Profile('foobar'),
    new DummyJob,
        'foo' => 'bar',
        // [...]

Adding tasks to the queue

First, the queue has to be instantiated.

This can be done manually:


use JobQueue\Infrastructure\RedisQueue;
use Predis\Client;

$predis = new Client('tcp://localhost:6379');
$queue = new RedisQueue($predis);

Or by using the ServiceContainer (this requires the proper configuration, see Configuration section above):


use JobQueue\Infrastructure\ServiceContainer;

$queue = ServiceContainer::getInstance()->queue;

Then, tasks can be enqueued easily:


/** @var \JobQueue\Domain\Task\Queue $queue */
/** @var \JobQueue\Domain\Task\Task $task */


The task's job will be executed as soon as a worker starts consuming the task's profile. This component embeds a PHP executable worker. See the CLI section to get more details about its usage.

Worker events

The worker emits some events that can be listened to:

Event name Description Event attributes
worker.start Fired on worker launch $event->getWorker()
worker.finished Fired once the worker has finished running $event->getWorker()
task.fetched Fired each time a task is fetched from queue by the worker $event->getTask()
task.executed Fired when a task's job execution has been successful done $event->getTask()
task.failed Fired when a task's job execution fails $event->getTask()

To intercept an event, you can use the EventDispatcher from the service container:


use JobQueue\Infrastructure\ServiceContainer;

$dispatcher = ServiceContainer::getInstance()->dispatcher;
$dispatcher->addListener('task.failed', function ($event) {
    /** @var \JobQueue\Domain\Task\TaskHasFailed $event */
    $task = $event->getTask();
    // Do something...


Those features require the proper configuration, see Configuration section above.

The manager app can be used to perform CRUD operations on tasks.


$ bin/manager list               # lists all commands
$ bin/manager {command} --help   # display the command help

The worker app can be used to consume enqueued tasks.


$ bin/worker --help

The worker app can be used as an OS service (eg. upstart, systemd... on unix) to run on servers.



A web server should be configured to serve public/index.php as a router script. This feature requires the proper configuration, see Configuration section above.


List all tasks:

GET /tasks
profile: string (a profile name that filters tasks)
status: waiting|running|finished|failed (a status that filters tasks)
order: date|profile|status (sort order, default: status)

Returns an array of tasks:

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Content-Type: application/json

        "identifier": "47a5b21d-0a02-4e6e-b8c9-51dc1534cb68",
        "status": "waiting",
        "profile": "foobar",
        "job": "JobQueue\\Tests\\Domain\\Job\\DummyJob",
        "date": "Fri, 23 Feb 2018 13:45:22 +0000",
        "parameters": {
            "name_1": "value_1",
            "name_2": "value_2"


  • 400 Bad Request if one of the parameters is wrong:
    • Status "foo" does not exists is status is not equal to waiting|running|finished|failed
    • Profile name only allows lowercase alphanumerical, dash and underscore characters is profile is malformed
    • Impossible to order by "foobar" is order is not equal to date|profile|status
  • 500 Internal Server Error in case of a technical error

Get a task information:

GET /task/{identifier}

Returns the task definition:

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Content-Type: application/json

    "identifier": "47a5b21d-0a02-4e6e-b8c9-51dc1534cb68",
    "status": "waiting",
    "profile": "foobar",
    "job": "JobQueue\\Tests\\Domain\\Job\\DummyJob",
    "date": "Fri, 23 Feb 2018 13:45:22 +0000",
    "parameters": {
        "name_1": "value_1",
        "name_2": "value_2"


  • 404 Not Found if no task correspond to the identifier
  • 500 Internal Server Error in case of a technical error

Create a new task:

POST /tasks

    "profile": "foobar",
    "job": "JobQueue\\Tests\\Domain\\Job\\DummyJob",
    "parameters": {
        "name_1": "value_1",
        "name_2": "value_2"

Returns the task definition:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

    "identifier": "47a5b21d-0a02-4e6e-b8c9-51dc1534cb68",
    "status": "waiting",
    "profile": "foobar",
    "job": "JobQueue\\Tests\\Domain\\Job\\DummyJob",
    "date": "Fri, 23 Feb 2018 13:45:22 +0000",
    "parameters": {
        "name_1": "value_1",
        "name_2": "value_2"


  • 400 Bad Request if the JSON body is malformed:
    • Missing job if the JSON object miss a job value.
    • Missing profile if the JSON object miss a profile value.
    • Profile name only allows lowercase alphanumerical, dash and underscore characters is profile is malformed
    • Malformed parameters is the parameters value from the JSON object is not a key/value array
  • 500 Internal Server Error in case of a technical error


First, a Redis server must run locally ( on 6379 port).

Then, to run tests, use the following command:

$ php vendor/bin/phpunit

The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.